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What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • The same worries exist here too though. The blood bank isn't allowed to pay you for your plasma, but it's absolutely a for-profit organisation that runs on selling your plasma to pharmaceutical companies.

    I still believe it's a good thing to donate, but sometimes it feels a little icky that there's also a businessmodel around it

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    iFixit wants to fix the soldering iron
  • IR bottom heaters are usually not strong enough for reballing. They're for boards that are hard to solder, because there's a lot of copper or a heatsink for example.

    The bottom heater preheats the whole board, not to soldering temperatures but enough to make soldering a lot easier.

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    the Germ-ans
  • Die eier von Satan literally means Satan's eggs. It's a recipe for round cookies with hash. And no eggs.

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    August 30th 2024. America adopts the metric system. Never forget.
  • For weather prediction it usually isn't that accurate anyway, and varies over time and location a lot.

    For the thermostat it does matter, but usually you can set these in steps of 0.5°C. Mine reports back in 0.1°C steps.

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    what's up with the ToS changes regarding the vegan community?
  • You might be mixing up vegetarianism and veganism. Vegans also don't drink milk or eat eggs. You don't need to kill a cow or a chicken to get either.

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    Toilet-specific plungers get the job done faster with way less effort and mess
  • Hmm, it seems to me most of those bubbles will happen not where you need them. Maybe if you throw in the base first and the acid later (or the other way around)

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    Toilet-specific plungers get the job done faster with way less effort and mess
  • Soda and vinegar is an odd combination. Soda is a base, making water alkali. Vinegar is an acid, making water acidic. Together, they make water neutral again, with a lot of pretty bubbles.

    Either one can work really well depending on the stuff you need to get rid of. But adding one to the other just weakens it.

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    what's up with the ToS changes regarding the vegan community?
  • Could you please tell that to the people living in my corner of western Europe? Would be nice not to have to shovel car sit out of my garden anymore.

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    what's up with the ToS changes regarding the vegan community?
  • Wait, why is there no logic in there? Insects are animals, and honey is made by bees, which are insects and thus animals.

    If you believe you shouldn't use animals for your food production, which is a reasonable definition of veganism, then you shouldn't eat honey.

    I mean, fine if you do eat honey too, but I don't really see your point here.

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    How Smooth Is The Earth, Really? Explore Elevation With An Interactive 3D Globe
  • Not on the walls I've painted. I don't know about pool balls, but I'd imagine they need a solid layer of paint too, otherwise they'd flake in no time with the abuse they get.

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    Autocorrect Rule
  • Women are immensely proud to have a child with the children in their life

    I really don't know where that came from

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    How Smooth Is The Earth, Really? Explore Elevation With An Interactive 3D Globe
  • Space is about 100 km up, on a sphere that has a radius of 6000 km, so some 2% is air.

    A pool ball has a radius of 30 mm roughly, so 2% of that is 0.6mm. Seems like a very thin coat of paint to me, but roughly correct.

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    Connections #439 2024-08-23
  • Haha, that's fair.

    A few days ago there was a category about Dr. Seuss titles. That's very hard if you haven't grown up with these books.
