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  • Stfu retard.

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  • So are slurs. Both are just as offensive.

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    When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • It's so hard to admit you're wrong that you need to change the goalposts lmao. Clown.

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    When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • Projection from a furry, "possibly zoophile".

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    When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • Lmao 😂. Comparing numbers is too difficult for you then, I understand. Maybe go back to preschool level maths if you can't do that.

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    Banker Who Slugged Woman at NYC Pride Event Charged With Assault
  • Giving you options :).

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  • You're the type of person who calls Latino people Latinx and finds gendering in latin languages offensive aren't you?

    Or are you like MacNCheezus who likes to troll and call every dissenting opinion a TERF?

    Either way you're way too dumb to be coming up with any words, especially not when those words themselves come from Urban Dictionary.

    Get a grip, or shut up, would do everyone a big service.

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    Banker Who Slugged Woman at NYC Pride Event Charged With Assault
  • And now you have a banner too!

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    When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • 6 million Jews + however many people are on this list,

    Compared to 80 indigenous tribes in Brazil?

    How do you feel about being a joke?

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    Banker Who Slugged Woman at NYC Pride Event Charged With Assault
  • Got you a new profile picture. Enjoy, feminazi misandrist :).

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  • It's a real word if it's in the dictionary. Pick up a book sometime, it'll do you good.

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    Banker Who Slugged Woman at NYC Pride Event Charged With Assault
  • So he should have done nothing then..? You're all insane here, demanding equal rights then complaining when they're exercised.

    The type of person misandrists love:

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  • Lmao at the guy citing bogus sources saying that. Have you touched grass in the past year?

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    When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • Why are you proud? Are you German?

    Brazilian Holocausts: 0

    German Holocausts: 1

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  • That's literally the whole point, it's not a real word. Get a grip on reality, nutjob.

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  • Urban dictionary for your definition, clearly you're not mentally well if that's your source...

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    Hearts and lungs are for losers.
  • Jfc

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    Hearts and lungs are for losers.
  • A moment of silence for all those who have died of joint-crack disease 😔...

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    Take a gander at this
  • The "of course" makes it clear you dislike the outcome. The long mention of the men who in your eyes "caused" this also makes it pretty obvious what your stance is about this and who you want the scapegoat to be in the discussion.

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    Take a gander at this
  • You say that as if it was the men's fault for trying to get equal treatment. Clearly you have no idea how the legal system works.
