Skip Navigation ‘I made curtains on the train’: the commuters livening up their journeys

From a velomobile to inline skating and audiobooks, six people reveal how travelling to work is no chore

>The pandemic opened the eyes of many to the benefits of running or cycling to work – or “active commutes” – and some have kept up the habit.

>No longer content with long drives or boring train rides, commuters have been seeking ways to make their journeys more productive and enjoyable.

Majority believe e-scooters make New Zealand cities more liveable
  • Love scooters, myboarter and I jave one. Defintly need to be kept off sidewalks, mixed with bikes and used much more but then I hate cars , sooo...

  • Frequency of heat days may be systematically underestimated in many studies

    Many studies on the climate crisis focus on researching temperature extremes on a global scale. Scientists at the University of Vienna have now uncovered an error in an established calculation method, leading to a systematic underestimation in the frequency of heat days.

    0 Frequency of heat days may be systematically underestimated in many studies

    Many studies on the climate crisis focus on researching temperature extremes on a global scale. Scientists at the University of Vienna have now uncovered an error in an established calculation method, leading to a systematic underestimation in the frequency of heat days.

    0 Frequency of heat days may be systematically underestimated in many studies

    Many studies on the climate crisis focus on researching temperature extremes on a global scale. Scientists at the University of Vienna have now uncovered an error in an established calculation method, leading to a systematic underestimation in the frequency of heat days.

    1 'Off the charts' 2023 broke every single climate indicator, with record temperatures, ocean heat and sea level rise

    The UN agency's annual State of the Global Climate report confirmed it wasn't just the hottest year on record, ocean heat reached its highest level since records began, global mean sea level also reached a record high and Antarctic sea ice reached a record low.

    Jump is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear
  • I think thays a good compromise. if you then have an issie with a particular user you can block them individually.

  • 'Vaguely terrifying': When heatwaves hit my city, the media downplayed the role of climate change

    Most stories during WA's record-breaking heatwave last month didn't mention the health risks of extreme heat and the link with climate change, despite overwhelming scientific evidence, according to an analysis of how news outlets reported on the event.

    1 'Vaguely terrifying': When heatwaves hit my city, the media downplayed the role of climate change

    Most stories during WA's record-breaking heatwave last month didn't mention the health risks of extreme heat and the link with climate change, despite overwhelming scientific evidence, according to an analysis of how news outlets reported on the event.

    Councils from Paris to the Yarra want to use parking fees to clamp down on big SUVs. What are they doing and will they succeed?
  • Not sure I agree with this as any solution, tokeninstic at best, the asshats who can afford $100k+ for a ute won't give a shit about increased parking fees, well enough of a shit to complain but not enough to stop them. Just ban them.

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    Mozilla Firefox is Working on a Tab Grouping Feature
  • I don't log in to YT to watch any videos, I alao use Newpipe and Stube sans account. Grouping them in Tabs to get to is great for me.

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    If we were to ban cars, what would happen to emergency services?
  • Ban cars to me is shorthand for ban private cars, has nothing to do with EMS, or even public owned shared cars for that occasional time a car might necessary.

    An 80% reduction in cars should be easy. 90% reduction with a few tweeks i'd think.

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    A generation of renters are staring down poverty in retirement unless something drastic changes
  • I'm wondering how to connect to an org? I have no kids, had a vasectomy decades ago over concerns about world population and biodiversity issues.. I keep my carbon emissions low and vote Green. Seems to me I give more fucks about a future livable planet for other peoples children then many parents do but that aside.

    Anyone aware of a genuine community org that might be interested in me leaveing them my modest house and they can use it to house people ? I am guessing they'll get fucked over with stamp duty though for the title transfer, so maybe a modest sum to cover that for them as well?

    Currently my will specifies everything is liquidated and then distributing the proceeds to reputable charities so, maybe that still makes more sense?

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    To all the ex-theists in this community. What drove you to leave your religion?
  • I am 58, I have a vague memory of being lied too about Father Christmas , being told thays not true even though I was assured he was originally and then thinking the same thing about god (catholic family) but figured out for myself that it was bullshit. Doesnt take much ciritcal thinking, even as a kid to realise that.

    I had to LARP for a bit but stopped the nonsense of church etc when I was allowed too as a young teen. Reading more widely after that you get to see some of the utter horrors caused by religion and release how toxic they are.

    An example, lived in Cambodia many many years ago and a bunch of evangelicals wouldn't let locals use a water well until they "converted". A constant reminder of the toxic nature of religion.

  • cross-posted from:

    1 ‘I’m going to defy expectations’: Western Sydney artist Marikit Santiago wins $80,000 La Prairie award

    Lush portraits of Filipino-Australian family will join Art Gallery of NSW collection, as the artist travels to Europe to visit Renaissance paintings that inspired her

    A three-time Archibald Prize finalist, Santiago’s work is inspired by her Filipino heritage,

    CNN: Atheists are still reluctant to ‘come out’
  • Right, it's not like there aren't billions and billions of religious nutters out there. I mean I don't see aethiests killing people for believing in a fairy god monster and yet if you said you're an atheist in Saudia Araiba etc you'd be killed. The fuck sort of tolerating intolerace is that?

    Aethiets are pushing up not down, mocking people for believing in fairy tales seems a very sensible reaction ? especially when they inevitably double down on their nonsense.

  • Greens pledge to axe $640 million in road widening as LNP releases costings in Brisbane council election

    Ahead of Saturday's Brisbane City Council election, the LNP announce the costings of their pledges as the Greens vow to cut road-widening projects to pay for their plans.

    cross-posted from:

    > #BrisPol > > Nice to see some sensible policy for a change. Alas they have no hope of getting in :(

    5 Greens pledge to axe $640 million in road widening as LNP releases costings in Brisbane council election

    Ahead of Saturday's Brisbane City Council election, the LNP announce the costings of their pledges as the Greens vow to cut road-widening projects to pay for their plans.


    Nice to see some sensible policy for a change. Alas they have no hope of getting in :(

    https:// /2023/07/climate-optimism-is-dangerous-and-irrational

    Just as a addendum to this, there's a book "What Lies Beneath" What lies Beneath with a super interesting foreword by Hans Joachim Schellnhuber about the very real dangers of relying on statistical models and doing nothing.

    You don't have to read the entire book but I'd encourage everyone interested to read the foreword.

    Finally back down to 14 tabs, still too embarrassed to show anyone
  • I find Edges grouped tabs well implemented, not sure why Firefox doesnt move this way natively?

    As to 14 tabs, I'd have 50 or more

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    Hobart endures hottest night in 112 years as severe heatwave hits south-eastern Australia
  • I was expecting a hot day (by Tassie standards, being from Far NQ originally all those years ago) up here in the NE as well but my little weather station showed 24.6 as the max for the day. But it is why I moved here, cooler, wetter, 300m ASL.

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    Polestar Joins Tesla in Departure from Auto Lobby Over Proposed Vehicle Efficiency Standard
  • Pretty much this but another point of difference with say the US is that (Utes) (trucks) in Australia would be classified as "cars" and not commercial vehicles. Which is why you can see so many giant fuck off trucks in the US, they're not part of the legislation ... loopholes. Currently they want Government to have the same loophole as the US, so Toyota -> Hilux Ford -> Ranger etc can keep bringing in their big sellers with no penalty,

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  • As an Austrian I can only agree,

  • Opinion: I’m a climate scientist. If you knew what I know, you’d be terrified too | CNN

    Climate scientist Bill McGuire writes on his conundrum: what’s happening to our planet scares the hell out of him—but if he shouts the unvarnished truth from the rooftops, will that inspire you to act or to give up?

    Editor’s Note: Bill McGuire is professor emeritus of geophysical & climate hazards at University College London and author of “Hothouse Earth: An Inhabitant’s Guide.”

    uOTP : simple TOTP extension for firefox
  • can't do a whole lot without also physically stealing my phone.

    ??? Theres a while bunch of loopholes they can exploit without having access to your phone, here's must one.

    I do it the way you do it as well but am under no illusion it's bomb proof.

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    Finally got rid of telegram, congratulations to me
  • I did something similar and just sent a link to Signal when IPhone friends and family SMS'd me, worked....eventually :) (am on Android)

  • Jump
    Finally got rid of telegram, congratulations to me
  • As an Australian, I. They are in Mastodon and I have pointed out that being in Australia should make them a no go for anyone.

  • Interview with Professor Kevin Anderson on our "do nothing but make it wors" approach to Climate change.


    Long time user back in the day on Reddit, and to stumble across it here, good to see. Has Lemmy gained enough critical momentum? Woot!
