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Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit
  • Oh yea Cult Jr is a real thing right now. Which I could life with IF IT WASN'T SO DAMN CLEAR BIDEN WILL NOT WIN THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE no matter how much Blue Maga Cult Jr berates us. I'm voting for Joe if I have to ya dims, it isn't who you have to convince and your cult Jr bullshit sure ain't gonna.

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    Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit
  • Nate Silver is terrible and usually terribly wrong, but just step outside the last year and it's been crystal clear Biden would and will 100% lose the Electoral College to Dump. No amount of Cult Jr telling us to just vote blue no matter who is going to change that. Most Americans don't know the difference between a row and a column or a watch and a warning, they aren't thinking critically about Presidential elections.

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    Jon Stewart’s ‘told you so’ about Biden was the scolding we needed
  • I wish I was wrong in 2016 too when every chump said Hillary had a 95% chance of winning but it was clear as day she wasn't going to be President. Barreling towards the same terrible outcome. Any other view is simply put of touch with the reality on the ground. Sure he's going to win the popular vote again but that don't matter in America.

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    'I'm not leaving': Biden expands effort to tamp down calls to step aside
  • Bingo bingo bingo bingo BINGO

    Dems be bringing a paper straw to a lightsabre fights and somehow we're the bad people for mentioning we'd like a candidate that could win
