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Ministre og politikere var klar til 'lynhurtigt' opgør med udskældt karakterskala: Fire år senere er der ikke sket noget, og ingen af dem har noget at sige
  • Som jeg lige husker det er den nuværende skala et resultat af at den gamle 13-skala skulle kunne have sine karakter gennemsnit oversat til 7-trin skalaen, samtidig med at en ny skala skulle passe til udenlandske ECTS skala

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    Friday Facts #420 - Fusion Reactor
  • The existence of nuclear power and nuclear bombs imply that for fusion power there exists a fusion bomb

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    Friday Facts #405 - Whole belt reader, New logistics GUI | Factorio
  • The changes to the rocket silo is a really elegant solution to the animation delay problem without skipping it entirely

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    Landlords ☭
  • I agree that taxing land is a good idea, but it's really hard to do in practice. How you put a value on land?

    Income tax is easy to put a value on, because it's right there on your pay slip. But what's the value of land?

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    xkcd #2891: Log Cabin
  • Your post gave me the same vibes as House of Leaves did

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    Russian soldier films a burning ammo truck from an unsafe distance...
  • The Ukrainians are lucky they are so fucking stupid

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    Friday Facts #393 - Putting things on top of other things | Factorio
  • Absolutely unhinged changed, it's truly psycho - I don't know how to feel anymore, any 'optimized' build we have ever made is suddenly completely obsolete

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    Nytårstalen 2023
  • Selvom man har snakket om forskellige nytårstaler og om hvorvidt hun ville give stafetten videre så er det alligevel lidt af et chok!

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    I have to post something to follow the RULE
  • Danish has a better one, arguably more ridiculous:

    Bar barbar bar bar barbar bar

    Naked barbarian carried naked barbarian pub

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    Et originalt kort over det danske jernbanenet i år 1939
  • Fordi billetten til Kombardo ikke koster det som det i alt reelt koster for bussen at køre på vejene. Vejene er betalt over skatten, hvor Kombardo ikke direkte betaler for vedligehold og anlæggelse.
