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What's something that you were surprised to find out a lot of people hate?
  • It's a texture thing I think. If I take a bite with mushroom in it, my like animal hind brain just straight up rejects it. Gagging spitting, the whole tottler experience. No conscious thoughts, no tasting, just reflex

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    $2 to cut a sandwich in half: The outrageous rip-offs targeting tourists in Italy
  • I'm with you. I know it's unpopular but fuck. I know so many people that espouse a green philosophy but won't bat an eyelash at multiple intercontinental flights a year. And especially with the rise of air bnb tourism is just wreaking these places. Where I king, you'd get one travel pass in you twenties and another in your sixties.

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    Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis if the mayor signs a minimum wage bill for drivers
  • Hold out a little hope. Democrats have both houses and the governor. And uncharacteristically they're actually moving some shit though. We got weed legalization, a huge investment in housing, and some good public transit is in the works.

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    Recreational weed is now legal in Minnesota: What to know
  • There's only one legal shop up and running right now, way up north on the red lake rez. By all means stop in if you can, but if your elsewhere you'll be sol

  • This restaurant is in a clapped out old truck stop off the i80 in PA. The first time I came here I was wondering if I was gonna get food poisoning or the best meal ever. Best meal ever. Such a treat as an over the road trucker to get some food that's not of the soulless chains we all know too well.
