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All ready for our trip to the Jersey Shore
  • The reason things like this are made is to sneak alcohol past security. I use them at concerts. Seriously I can buy a half gallon of Jager for what 2 mixed drinks cost at a show. I don't even want to get hammered, I just want to watch some bands I like and have a good time without it costing me a small fortune.

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    Got any grapes?
  • As a vet, believe me you welcome the fucking bullets. I would rather be deployed than be in garrison. You have no idea how insufferable the bureaucratic bullshit in the military is. Im not downplaying the war part, but your mileage will vary with exposure to life threatening situations depending on where you get placed. You may land in an assignment that places you directly in harms way on a constant basis, you might never end up in a combat situation at all, or anything in-between. It's all luck of the draw, you don't pick your duty station. However the one constant thing you will find wherever you go is the most asinine frustrating circuitous bullshit that you have to deal with on a daily basis. The hoops you need to jump through for the most basic shit. The dumb old fucks that outrank you getting anal retentive about regulations that they've clearly never read. The ridiculous amount of busy work. So much bullshit. There were plenty of times when I was in that I WISHED someone would fucking shoot me.

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    I'm going to buy a House!
  • You ignorant diphit. I bought my house in a state of desperate repair, with no central heat and have worked my ass off to make it my home. And I'm one of the lucky ones. People that go on about cheap fixer uppers don't seem to understand what materials alone cost nowadays. Not to mention the biggest elephant in the room TIME. Not only are people working long hours, but if you want a snowballs chance in hell of getting a home realistically you need a partner who also has an income. Not only that but with both working you also need to have the energy on your off time to get it done. You think the younger generation is stubbing their noses at houses that aren't fancy enough? Are you kidding me. The generation that popularized turning sheds into tiny homes doesn't want a home? Are you joking? I forgot to mention house flippers. You know the people that make a living buying fixer uppers that have cash on hand that everyone else actually searching for a home has to complete with? Those same homes your talking about from there 70s without ac, with only 1 bathroom, and two bedrooms are still there today and the people that need them can't afford them while landlords continue to snatch them up.

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    What are your experiences with motorcycle gangs?
  • 99 percent of people that ride motorcycles that I have ever met are inconsiderate assholes. The crime is an easy point to bring up against them, but if you've ever had a neighbor that rode a motorcycle you don't need a whole lot of motivation to dislike them. I had a neighbor once with a loud ass bike. Everyone that lived around him complained about it (amongst loads of other bullshit) and he would always say something along the lines of "loud pipes save lives.” I'll preface this next part by saying I don't wish ill on anybody, and I don't take joy in the death of anyone. But fast forward a few months and the dumb sonovabitch rear ends a pickup while going 110 in a 35. Hate that he died but the neighborhood was so much better without him and his biker buddies around after that.

    I ain't saying there aren't bikers that are decent people, but I can count the ones I've personally met on one hand.
