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For those who work with the public: What was the worst situation that occurred between you and a customer?
  • I used to assemble products and when someone came in for a pickup we always asked for a receipt as it was the easiest way to find what belonged to them. If they didn't have it we'd just need to look it up on the computer, no big deal

    I was about 16 or 17 and guy comes in and says, "I'm here to pick up my X". I asked for the receipt. He instantly blew a gasket "I'm no thief, don't you dare accuse me of stealing, blah blah". When he settled down I said I only wanted it to find his item easier, which of course started him on another shouting rampage. I was the only one in the department and I remember him shouting a lot and then had his finger right in my face. It was my turn to lose it, I told him if he didn't get his finger out of my face and stop shouting I was going to kick seven shades of shite out of him. The commotion had caused other staff members to show up, then the manager came up. I told the manager I wasn't serving him, find someone else, theres more chance of me breaking his nose than me getting his shit. I explained what happened out in the back store and the manager said it was fine, I heard nothing more about it

    I had another customer lose it at me in the same place as he said good were faulty. I said no you broke it. He said it just happened. I laughed at him. He lost his mind. I didn't GAF when I was that age. Manager replaced his product FOC. I laughed at the manager about that too

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    Drivers Tend To Kill Pedestrians At Night. Thermal Imaging May Help.
  • They didn't get the car brand new but it wasn't very old. Perhaps the previous owner turned on the setting

    I have been in the settings and adjusted it but in the end it was just easier to turn the function off

    Its probably awesome on the Autobahns but its a danger on windytight roads that I drive on. Probably 3 or 4 times it braked on me when there was no reason to do so. There's one bit near my approaching a roundabout and it beeps like hell at me to slow down at least 50% of the time. Fortunately I'm back in my own car now as I don't need the automatic (I injured my left leg)

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    Drivers Tend To Kill Pedestrians At Night. Thermal Imaging May Help.
  • My parents gotba relatively new Merc and I'd to turn that auto braking off. Its far too sensitive and nearly had me rear ended driving around a bend. My guess is its picking up the retroreflective spots on the markings as there usually isn't a car on that bend but the Merc is beeping at me like I'm about to be in a collision

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If you could only be an expert in one and average at the rest, it's wrestling because of the ability you would have to control your opponent. If I could pick a second it would be Mauy Thai as striking is obviously important

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    Think you need another car? Consider an e-bike instead.
  • I'd love an e-bike but 1. I couldn't afford one without selling my car and 2. I'd only get the use out of it on a few mile commute. Once it's the weekend I've 3 kids to run around to clubs and such

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    Oh no the poor millionaires
  • Have friend. Is artist. Headline act in front of +40K. Goes all over world doing festivals and stuff. Steals music. Encourages me to steal music. Laughs when I steal his music

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  • It may be but until other options are available on a PlayStation, I doubt I'll move. I don't even watch stuff but the people I serve to need functionally on the PS... maybe they'll get smart TVs soon
