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What are your favourite things under 50$ that make your life a bit easier or more pleasant?
  • A water pik machine. An electric toothbrush.

    A car phone holder. A bidet.

    New kitchen towels.

    And some more of the other stuff people already said.

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    What are the worst names you could give a baby boy?
  • Squemp





    Big Dawg


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    Comedy Show Pitch
  • It just needs to happen!

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    Comedy Show Pitch
  • This is the fidel castro live story basically.

    BTW is there any good castro documentaries from a pro-castro perspective??

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    Palestine-Israel Crisis Megathread
  • Israel should have to do what the whites in South Africa had to do after apartheid.

    But without the economic apartheid continuing.

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    ‘People are happier in a walkable neighborhood’: the US community that banned cars
  • People walking late at night, particularly if they are Black, are regularly accosted by police – in June, the city of Kaplan, Louisiana, even introduced a curfew for people walking or riding bikes, but not for car drivers.


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    ‘People are happier in a walkable neighborhood’: the US community that banned cars
  • Yeah they needed some overview shots or at least a map or something.

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    "Two-state solution"
  • Make one that is germany and half of it is israel because those fuckers chased the Jewish people into Palestine.

    Or half of the UK becomes israel. Fucking anti-Semitic British pieces of shit didn’t let head in after WW2. Etc etc.

    There’s a million better places for a Jewish homeland that would involve atonement for past anti-Semitism than fucking Palestine.

  • https:// /hRbwa

    The pigs investigated themselves and guess what they found? What a sham Apartheid state Georgia is. Fucking disgusting.

    0 White supremacist group delivers show of force for Franklin mayoral candidate Gabrielle Hanson

    The often-bizarre race for Franklin mayor took a disturbing new turn this week as white supremacists made a show of force for Gabrielle Hanson.

    White supremacists are out there organizing and threatening people every day.

    0 Man returns to Wisconsin Capitol with assault rifle and asks to see governor, hours after being arrested there with a gun, state officials say | CNN

    A man who was arrested Wednesday after bringing a handgun to the Wisconsin Capitol and saying he wanted to see Gov. Tony Evers returned with an assault rifle that night after posting bail and again asked to see Evers, according to state officials.

    Fascists are showing up with guns and threatening politicians.

    0 N.M. conquistador statue shooter was investigated by FBI - Source New Mexico

    The man recorded on video shooting a protester last week made a series of threatening posts that “concerned the FBI enough to investigate.”

    Fascists are out there shooting people. Every day.

    Are you cancelling streaming services?
  • I’ve never paid for a streaming service in my life. You’re a sucker if you do.

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    Just the basics
  • Pizza roll and bagel bites gang rise up!

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    Just the basics
  • Yup this looks like what i grew up eating, being raised by poor uneducated parents. It’s all still very enticing but i try to not buy this kind of junk too often. Though ice cream is my weakness lmao.

  • Why Is This Happening? Unpacking the hot labor summer with Alex Press

    Chris Hayes speaks with Alex Press, staff writer at Jacobin, about the massive pushes for better working conditions this year.

    The reason I’m posting this is not just because it talks about the state of labor organizing and unions and strikes right now, which is important to keep up with.

    But also because Alex makes a great point about the residual effects of the Bernie Sanders campaign leading to increased labor organizing, union activity, and union support from the public.

    For all of those of us who have a hard time seeing the positive results that came from the “failed” Sanders campaign: These are the type of results that come from many leftist organizing campaigns but are often invisible to those who engaged in the leftist activism. So you have to learn how to see the successes that come out of organizing that don’t result in total communist revolution. This is an important lesson for leftists to learn.

    Probably guzzling water and planning to go for a run in the morning
  • Alcohol is capitalist poison. Join the communist Prohibitionist party!

  • The Details of the Atlanta Bail Fund Arrest Are More Horrific Than First Described

    In what is a first in recent memory, prosecutors are openly charging people with felonies simply for being organizers within a bail collective.

    Early on Wednesday morning, police officers from the Atlanta Police Department and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation raided the Teardown House, a hub for a constellation of organizing activity in East Atlanta. At least a dozen officers in riot gear, wielding assault rifles, arrested three organizers from the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, a nonprofit that supports people who are arrested for protest or activism. The Solidarity Fund pays bail, provides jail support, and refers people who have been arrested to available lawyers. In other words, the Solidarity Fund connects people who are still presumed innocent to things that they are legally entitled to: the ability to have others pay their bail and a lawyer to represent them in court.
