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Kroger Egg Pricing Turns Merger Trial Into Inflation Fight
  • Agreed. We have three "large" grocery stores in town: a Safeway (Albertson's), Grocery Outlet, and a local grocery store which, like yours, is extremely expensive. Our Safeway appeared on the list of divestitures and I think that would probably raise prices as well as change the staples we have available. It sounds like a bad situation all around.

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    Say I want to make an app on my phone for personal use. How to begin?
  • That doesn't seem like a bad start to me, but I haven't read it thoroughly. I also recommend checking out the official Android Studio beginner's guide:

    Alternatively, you can use wrappers like Flutter, React Native, or the Ionic framework if you think you might want cross-platform or web capability later, though that adds a lot of overhead that isn't always the best choice.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Fantastic article, thanks for sharing. I'm disappointed in the EFF's stance here. I understand the reasoning but I don't feel that such hateful, dangerous speech is a good candidate for this argument. (Hateful and dangerous as in actual deaths have occurred from this.)

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    What's wrong with the Saints Row reboot again?
  • Disclaimer: I also had a lot of fun with this game but I got it for free with a graphics card.

    Part of it was getting rid of the old beloved characters. Shaundi, Pierce, etc. were well loved among fans and sorely missed when the game out. People found the new characters boring and generic, but I don't know if that criticism survived past the release stage.

    It also released with quite a few game breaking bugs which had to be ironed out. Par for the course with big budget games these days, frankly.

    As a fan of SR3 and SR4, I missed the zaniness of those entries, but that wasn't a common feeling among fans of SR2.

    A lot of people hated it for how "woke" it apparently was by having... people of color in it? Commentary about racism and feminism or something? I don't know, it's been a while since I played so I can't recall any instances in particular of it being "woke" enough to offend people who care about that. As a woke SJW myself, I felt it was pretty good on that front without being overbearing.

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    An unexpected way to upcycle: Plastic waste transforms into soap
  • How scalable is this? Would the average recycle plant worker be able to do it themselves? Would each recycle plant be equipped with one of these ovens or would it require an overhaul of our recycling system?

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    Sources: Ubisoft’s canceled Immortals 2 was a big break from the company’s formula
  • As much as I love the first Immortals for the characters and setting, it still felt very much like a typical Ubisoft game. I'm only mildly disappointed at this cancellation.

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    International chess federation FIDE: a trans woman "has no right to participate in official FIDE events for women"
  • Ah, yes, because being trans definitely has a bearing on whether or not you're good at chess. These totally aren't just explicitly transphobic policies enacted by bigoted old men. I would also like to point out that the current president of FIDE is the former deputy prime minister of Russia. Not that Russian people are all transphobic, but I wonder if some of Putin's influence isn't in this decision.

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    Piracy > resellers
  • At a legitimate website, the developer(s) and publisher(s) make money for each key purchased and every key is legal to own, so there is little chance of a key being revoked and your account banned on your chosen storefront. At a grey market seller like G2A, they can sometimes get their keys illegally (credit card theft, stolen accounts, etc.). So because GMG, Fanatical, Humble, IndiaGala, etc. are all legitimate resellers, they buy their keys directly from the source (usually the publisher or storefront where they are redeemed, but that's just my guess). Apologies if that's not what you were asking.

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    House GOP Adds Dozens More Poison Pills to Spending Bill
  • I think the point is that they shove so much unreasonable stuff into a single bill that if Democrats want to pass any of it, they must capitulate to some of the Republicans' wants. So a long period of negotiation will begin where Democrats will successfully get some of these additions removed, and an agreement is eventually reached where some of these poison pills will remain.

    Unfortunately, Republicans would never agree to pass a bill without some of their additions in it, and most Democrats are not willing to dig in their heels and resist.

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    Do films directed by women have more women in the cast?
  • I'm pretty appalled that women are half the population and make up such a small percentage of movie roles. Not that it's new information, it's just frustrating.

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    Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games
  • The problem is that online storefronts all lease (edit: it's actually license) you the games you own until your account is terminated. I miss actually owning media.

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    [@lgbtq\_plus]( Straight people will say that LGBT education isn't age appropriate but will ask toddlers if they have a girlfriend.
  • As a late 20s asexual gay person, I was in complete denial until my early 20s about my asexuality and until my mid 20s about being gay. Not because my parents weren't accepting, but because society is heteronormative. Always good to reinforce an open, positive attitude!
