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How to Encrypt Drives ?
  • If the reason for you wanting to avoid bitlocker is incompatibility with linux, you might want to reconsider. It's been many years since I had drives with bitlocker+ntfs, but they worked reasonably well back then with dislocker, so perhaps check that out before considering alternatives.

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    The Stallman report
  • You might want to remember that he has done more to advance open source software than perhaps any other person on this planet. You don't get to take away someone's achievements just because you don't like them...

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    Android Automotive is coming to a motorbike for the first time, thanks to KTM
  • I'd put my money on that account being hacked/sold and gaining a new life as a bot in some disinformation network ready to spew bias and bullshit when the time and topic is right. There's no other way to explain the comment history before 9 months ago, then a long silence, and then a restart just a few weeks ago with a complete change in character.

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    Why 'free' proprietary software will always end in tears
  • Idealistically and realistically: Totally and absolutely cool. If anything, they have a moral imperative to keep the project going, since there are users that depend on it, and doing that requires money. As such, people will need to be informed of how to contribute, so a pop up doing just that is a good way to achieve this. Why would this not be ok, even idealistically?

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    Devs gaining little (if anything) from AI coding assistants
  • Perhaps LLMs can be used to gain some working vocabulary in a subject you aren't familiar with. I'd say anything more than that is a gamble, since there's no guarantee that hallucinations have not taken place. Remember, that to spot incorrect info, you need to already be well acquainted with the matter at hand, which is at the polar opposite of just starting to learn the basics.

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    Devs gaining little (if anything) from AI coding assistants
  • You do realize that a very thorough manual is but a man bash away? Perhaps it's not the most accessible source available, but it makes up for that in completeness.

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    GitHub - WinampDesktop/winamp: Iconic media player
  • Frankly, I'm baffled to see such negativity here and in the github comments.

    Sure, winamp could have handled this better and just referred to the release as "source available" instead of "open source". Then again, calling it "open source" is not that far fetched and is likely only going to annoy those who want to find fault in any case.

    It's almost like "open source" has become a religion unto itself, with fanatic zealots defining what is and what isn't acceptable - I kindly ask you to stop that bullshit, we have enough of these already.

    Having source available is infinitely better than not having it, so let's keep that in mind. Obviously, this doesn't mean that people cannot give constructive criticism on how to improve the situation, but most of the shit on display here make my eyes roll hard enough to cause strain:
