I really REALLY enjoy boss invulnerability phases.
I live in the Midwest and I have not met a Republican that wasn't a moron.
Sure there obviously are Republicans that aren't morons. But they still voted with the MAGAts.
Republicans = moron or bigot
Either way you shouldn't trust them.
We will look back on this move when mass effect fails to deliver I think.
Proportional representation is my guess?
Using the app. It doesn't even load for me on browser. I am assuming it doesn't work on browser because of something I got in unblock because it loads on mobile browser but it's very unresponsive on mobile browser for me.
Nothing works on pixelfee for me. Half the photos are just black. It shows an account has a lot of posts, but I don't see anything. Searches being up results but selecting one of those results produces zero results.
How are y'all getting pixelfed to work?
That's just the internet.
Being able to eat my burger when accelerating after the light turns to green.
It's like normal slave work, but they don't try to hide it.
Any mod that changes an NPC into Thomas the tank engine does not detract from the intended game experience.
There is too many different versions of starship troopers to have a meaningful conversation about the logistics of how they travel. But there are transport bugs capable of interstellar travel. The first one was located on Pluto, so they were already in our system. Depending on which version of Starship Troopers you bring up Buenos Aires was either attacked directly by the bugs or had a meteor destroy it.
And the bugs have to have some sort of FTL travel since the humans followed the first transport bug back to the Arachnid homeworld. If that would take billions of years then the humans wouldn't have been able to follow them back after they left Sol.
Starship Troopers is full of plot holes and inconsistencies that would, again, likely prevent us from having a meaningful conversation about the logistics of the Arachnids.
'You only use 10% of your brain' is only referring to the physical areas of your brain. Which is not true, because we have scans that can show that we use all areas of the brain.
I always thought that saying was referring to how we only use 10% of our brains potential.
Disregard to human life and health isn't limited to a fascist government though. As for the propaganda, I always took that at making fun of the military and their over the top commercials and other media.
I never compared it to the actual government.
Let's just say that the government does just rain bombs from orbit. They are humans, there are gonna be dudes that want to get their feet on the ground to start shooting things. Regardless of the type of government, humans are creatures of destruction. People are gonna want to shoot an alien bug for a multitude of reasons. Glory, honor, to prove themselves, fascist government or not, people will be lining up around the block to sign up for an interstellar opportunity to be a 'badass'.
The bugs colonized entire planets and has an empire that rivals the humans. That is far from being a mindless, non-sentient creature. If anything that screams they are more intelligent than humans because the bugs just shoot massive spores into space to accomplish all that.
You won't find me hanging out with them, I'm afraid.
Okay, sure. But how is the bugs attacking first unlikely, when they are able to calculate that kind of interstellar trajectory to colonize all the other planets in their empire? They shoot spores into space and hit other planets to colonize.
Why could the bugs not have shot a colonizing spore at earth, or another human controlled planet, and that was perceived as an attack? The bugs empire rivaled the human empire after all.
Or am I missing something obvious here?
So, I have read and been told this many times before. Some times I will rewatch the movie to try and see that narrative. And I'll admit, I'm and idiot. But I can't get past the idea of: Bugs are just icky, no matter the size. Remove at all costs.
Does anyone else have a negative perception of a product/service solely because of spam advertising?
I have a rule that if I see a commercial or an unskipable ad (even if it's unskipable for the first five seconds) on YouTube or wherever. That I never buy that product.
Hank likes hominy.