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Double-swiping the rewards card led to free gas for months — and a felony theft charge
  • When I was a kid, I used a vending machine that had a busted coin return button; it counted the coins I put in, but also spat them back out, so I got some free snacks.

    Come and get me, cops.

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    Which actors you admire that you really wish not to have any scandals?
  • I admire Ed Harris as an actor. Worst I've heard about him is that he can be "serious" on sets (and I believe it, look at The Rock's outtakes), but that's just fine with me.

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    What is your favorite zombie character across all media?
  • Bub from Day of the Dead.

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    What's a great podcast you'd like to share?
  • Some of my favorites that come to mind:

    • Ten Cent Beer Night
    • The Cereal Men
    • Carry A Nation
    • Ronald Reagan
    • The Mad Gasser
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    What's a great podcast you'd like to share?
  • Now hit him with the puppy.

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    What's a great podcast you'd like to share?
  • For anyone looking for a good episode to start with, The Rube is a certified classic.

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    What Film Are You Surprised Didn't Get A Sequel?
  • Just rewatched this one a few days ago. Still so much fun! And it's even got a sequel tease at the end, title and everything. :(

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    What movie(s) did you see in the theater where the crowd applauded at the end?
  • The Force Awakens. Not just at the end, though, but also when the opening crawl started and when every returning character showed up.

    "I know what that is! I clapped when I saw it!

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    PS5/PS4 will no longer have Twitter/X integration as of Nov 13th, 2023
  • I used it to share screenshots. I think you could share video too, not sure what else.

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    What are your favorite names?
  • Duncan Idaho from Dune. Wouldn't be surprised if it was originally a name Frank Herbert used on a fake ID

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    The Toxic Avenger Teaser - Eyewitness First Look (2023)
  • For years, the rumors about the Toxie reboot were that it would aim for a PG-13 rating.

    Happy to see that clearly didn't end up being the case.

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    What's a great but uncommon comedy movie we should watch?
  • The same guys also made Top Secret!, which I adore just about as much as those.

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  • I've had an eBay alert set up for this one for ages.

    I really just need to give up and emulate it already.
