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Task estimation
  • this is my number one thing I hate. So we are going to be converting over one system to another and you have no ideas what issues will pop up. give an estimation on the project. or like estimation onf fixing a bug or doing something you think the software can do but your not real sure till you look into it.

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    Do you ever get frustrated at your own creation?
  • I mean people don't think I take things seriously enough but you gotta ask if the story is even true. I mean I ask myself. Its my creation? Is it real? Its my creation? I do not know. You have to have no hesitation and a heart of gold, because its just flesh and blood. I do not know.

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    Remember to conserve propellant!
  • true enough. while going through this back and forth I found they even contemplated doing a jupiter flyby for getting the sattelites in place but again they did do it and they did not want them to crash into the sun but they did go down in a little over ten years.

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    Remember to conserve propellant!
  • I mean it sound like we have come to an agreement. It will eventually happen. Granted stable orbits will take much longer. billions of years while an unstable will be pretty quick in cosmic terms. The helios sattelites which were launched and nasa took pains for them not to fall into the sun did so a little after 10 years. That is not very long at all and again its easier to get the orbit that will not survive. So we are talking a few years. Again this is why I find these arguments just dumb because they are looking at the idea of launching the thing directly, again like an arrow, like a bullet, like a laser, into the sun. thats just not necessary.

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    That door must be very heavy
  • my realators managed the contract and the back and forth there of including with the attorney somewhat. made sure all required things were done in relation to the loan. granted they did get to much in relation to the attorney to me but I liked who I had. hoooweee though I saw some bad ones on the other side of my transactions.

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    What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • Maybe it should be like other charitable donations and there should be a set tax deduction per ml or better yet how about they take enough for donation and decanter a portion out an do blood testing both to make sure the blood is clean but alsoso the individual is aware of they are free of X. You could get like a qr code you can use to identify the results later.

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    JD Vance
  • oh these things look like screenshots from places like Xitter or such. bluesky seems awesome. and wow. oh wow. I mean he might as well said if I have to make things up to win election I will.

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    Remember to conserve propellant!
  • So your saying a stable orbit is easier to achieve than an unstable one? I mean why does nasa higher those math guys. You think putting the helios in a stable solar orbit was more achievable than having them screw up and fall into the sun (again eventually). I see the articles but the supossitions on them are my issue. They seem to be taking an idea of shooting something directly into the sun and not so much allowing something to fall into the sun over a large period of time.

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    I think he couldn't
  • well I mean these things go on for decades and writers and artists change. its a good thing. likely going to see a lot more variation with marvel now that stan lee passed much like lucas not being part of star wars changed it.

  • I had signed up for the google referer class action which given this I assumed a lot of people did.

    https:// /trump-targets-j-b-pritzker-presided-over-the-destruction-and-disintegration-of-illinois/

    On Sunday, former President Trump targeted Illinois Democratic governor J.B. Pritzker, who has been considered a rising star in the Democratic Party but who has presided over the state while natives flee. Pritzker was inaugurated as governor of the state in January 2019; between July 2021 and July 2022, over 142,000 people left Illinois. The only state […]
