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Is there a way to export data from the app (saved posts, etc.)? Thanks.

Absolutely loving Linux btw
  • Linux is great for reserecting old hardware! I had an old gaming pc I built back in 2009 (had to replace graphics card) onto which I installed guix. Now I have a raid 1 store, samba network share, and jellyfin server!

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    Harris unveils plan for 28% capital gains tax, softening Biden's proposal for 40% rate
  • I think it'd be great if the tax rate on gains (when selling stock) was based on the entire value of all stocks a person has.

    So if Elon sell some stock (a dollar or a billion), his gains tax rate is higher than someone selling stock whose entire stock value is less.

    It'd also be nice if retirement accounts (401k, Ira) were excluded from this.

  • At the Florida Man Games, big crowds cheer competitors evading police, wrestling over beer

    Promoted as “the most insane athletic showdown on Earth,” the Florida Man Games poke fun at the state’s reputation for bizarre stories.

    0 Privacy made simple - NymVPN

    Learn about the power of our decentralized VPN. dVPNs are the future of privacy on the internet, making our online activity private and secure

    If this ever gets to the point where I can use this by paying cash for access (and not having to deal with cryptocurrency) I would totally give it a try.
