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McDonald's is promising 'attention to affordability' after the price of Big Mac meals hits $18
  • I had a crazy-busy day about 2-months ago and found myself hitting up a McDonald’s drive-thru for an order of fries just to tide me over for the drive home.

    I didn’t pay attention to the pricing—it was only fries—and when I got to the window I handed them a five, fully expecting a couple of bucks in change.

    The attendant just looked at me. I laughed as I realized a regular order of fries was more than five-bucks.

    And yet, I STILL am hard pressed to believe a Big Mac meal is currently $18…

  • Found in Massachusetts backyard this evening.


    1994 was a good year for cinema.
  • The Lion King and Shawshank Redemption also came out that year. There are probably other great ones, but I think those two have longer lasting influence than at least half the movies in this list.
