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‘Flying Aliens’ Harassing Village in Peru Are Actually Illegal Miners With Jetpacks, Cops Say
  • We really do live in the weirdest timeline...

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    YouTube’s anti-ad blocking test gets even pushier with a new timer
  • Yup, I think it's an Artemis problem

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    Personal Finance - UK
  • What's with the banner being porn

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    !gop: The Community for Republicans of the Fediverse (Please note that the Far-Right and Trump-Lovers are not welcome.)
  • A GOP group is not going to take off if you don't allow Trump supporters.

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  • Who doesn't want a serenity frog

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    Joe Manchin "seriously" considers leaving Democratic Party
  • *coal, but same thing

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    Joe Manchin "seriously" considers leaving Democratic Party
  • Because voting republican most of the time is better than all the time, Manchin is the most liberal person West Virginia would elect.

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    Joe Manchin "seriously" considers leaving Democratic Party
  • How is Manchin not a Democrat? Just because he's a conservative Democrat doesn't mean he magically isn't an Democrat

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    Dog abandoned at Pittsburgh airport after owner learns it needs crate to fly
  • Whoever did this is a monster, I hope the dog can have a loving family now and not have to go back to them.

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    Joe Manchin "seriously" considers leaving Democratic Party
  • On an American scale, Joe Biden is not right wing. He is center left. He is socially left wing, supporting lgbtq+ rights, and abortion. He is also economically left wing, supporting unions and green energy.

    A Conservative Democrat isn't a term for a centrist Democrat, it's a term for Conservatives registered/running as a Democrat. They are most Drmocrats in ancestrally Drmocratic states like WV and Kentucky.

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    Joe Manchin "seriously" considers leaving Democratic Party
  • No, Manchin is a Conservative Democrat, Biden is a normal traditional Democrat. Bernie Sanders is not the norm for the Democrats.

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    Joe Manchin "seriously" considers leaving Democratic Party
  • The idea that Biden is Conservative is dumb

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    As a 14-year long user, the new Fisher Price UI makes me sad :( What have they done to you, Reddit?
  • I wonder how long it'll be until they shut down old reddit.

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    6" pockets
  • /m/shitposting

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • "Jews" for Jesus and Messianic "Judaism" were invented to lure Jews into Christianity. They are Christians who want to be quirky.

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    Joe Manchin "seriously" considers leaving Democratic Party
  • I mean, kind of, Conservative Democrats are usually moderate Conservatives, but Biden is still farther left than that, look at his environmental programs, the Inflation Reduction Act, and Amtrak funding.

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    Joe Manchin "seriously" considers leaving Democratic Party
  • Yes, I am saying Biden isn't Conservative. The notion that he is Conservative is ridiculous. Biden is a typical centrist to center left Democrat.

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    Joe Manchin "seriously" considers leaving Democratic Party
  • Do you consider anything right of Socialist right wing? Because that's what it sounds like.

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    Joe Manchin "seriously" considers leaving Democratic Party
  • He is though? Conservative Democrats are a thing.

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    Here we go again
  • I can't believe people still use Chrome, Firefox is better by a mile.
