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[Shadowrun Fiction] (No spoilers) Shadowrun: Dark Synergy From Russell Zimmerman
  • I've heard that too. But I don't really have an opinion on other authors, I'm more often exploring the lore for a run instead of reading Sixth World fiction, unfortunately

  • https:// /product/491139/Shadowrun-Dark-Synergy

    I don't want to spoil, so won't say much about the plot etc. To me it was a good read. Well written, I went from 16% to 100% in one day. The mystery was delivered nicely, well paced and interesting idea. And I liked the exploration of corp environment at high positions. I think it's not done often at this POV

    An Ubisoft investor wants to dethrone Ubisoft's founders so Ubisoft can lay more developers off
  • A minority Ubisoft investor (...) noting that Ubisoft's share price has fallen by over 40% since last year. Accordingly, Krupa wants the board to "take Ubisoft private or allow it to sell to strategic investor"

    Looks to me as if someone wanted a fast lever and with that failing now they'd like to sell ASAP


    AJ Investments appear to be new kids on the block as Ubisoft minority shareholders. According to Krupa, "we started our Ubisoft position couple weeks ago and are still adding to it". They do, however, boast of their "extensive knowledge about the gaming industry" after being a "long-term shareholder in Activision Blizzard".

    "We cannot understand the decision-making process of current management


  • Terra Mortis: Battle on the Fringes - Cyberpunk Post-Apocalyptic RPG by Lion Banner Games

    Terra Mortis is a Cyberpunk Post-Apocalyptic Tabletop Roleplaying game set in the shattered remains of a cyberpunk world. The campaign includes Hardcover Book, Battlemap Book, GM Screen, Miniature Sets and more!

    I guess it might interest someone and haven't seen it mentioned

    Year Zero Engine post-apo. Mutants, cyborgs and wasteland

    I'm not involved, just got an email about it

    [Unpopular opinion] Linux is not a good choice for regular users
  • I think it comes from diminishing experience windows provides

    An example, since a few windows versions I can't get to install an old HP printer because they haven't written the drivers for it. On Linux it works fine.
    You don't want ads and your os to be sending your passwords who knows where? AFAIK ATM no long time support version of windows provides that.
    My gaming buddy is rather well versed in computer stuff, he's the person that writes and hosts our discord bots. He can't make sound drivers to work as he wants. Sometimes things go loud without reason, sometimes mute doesn't work, sometimes sounds play on an output that according to Windows is muted... Crazy stuff

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    [Unpopular opinion] Linux is not a good choice for regular users
  • That's why I wrote it's another unpopular opinion. Somehow the internet claims Arch is hard when to me it's been the easiest distro I've ever used

    • No GUI bs, unless you install it yourself, that you never know what it does under the hood. The config file you find in man is the config file that governs the thing - easy
    • You deleted a little bit too much? You just reinstall package, like in Slackware - easy
    • You need something from outside the packages? Arch is very well prepared for you building things from source and install it in a sane way, instead of pure make install, like Gentoo - easy
      And PKGBUILD is easy to understand, RPM and DEB package creation is black magic
    • You don't have a lot of crap in the system that you are not sure you need. Since it comes rather plain, you either install something you want, or it gets installed as dependency

    But, of course, YMMV
    And I've tried "easier" distros in the past. Sooner or later it always felt like I need proprietary set of keys to unscrew the lid to flip one small cable

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    [Unpopular opinion] Linux is not a good choice for regular users
  • I was mocking around with GPU drivers in order to make Podman containers to access the GPU. (...) I don’t have much spare time and I would like to play a game, I used to play before, without spending hours/days fixing issue that didn’t exist last time I played it.


    I had other, non-regular user issues with those

    I think, you should keep these two things (messing with containers accessing GPU and "just play a game") separate. I mean on separate boxes. Because now you can't "just play" because you've been elbows deep in OS internals. You can't take apart your fridge and then expect it to just cool the water the next day

    “optimised” for KDE

    Then I'm guessing these might need some KDE envs

    Yes, I use it on a daily basis but there’s no easy way to get it working on iOS/iPadOS.

    Ah, you're trying to breach the non-open wall. Is there an app on i* that allows you to set up an ftp/http file sharing server on the device? You probably could set it up as rclone upstream

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    [Unpopular opinion] Linux is not a good choice for regular users
  • started with Mandrake, moved to Mandriva, spent over a year on Ubuntu and recently I’ve been using Fedora

    Another unpopular opinion:
    That's because you've been using distributions that are either behind the times or have a lot of wonky crap added to them that looks like user friendliness when it works and is like fixing windows when it doesn't (I've been through similar path, just with a few other distros along the way)

    Start with Gentoo or Arch (maybe Slackware). These are close to the grass, so the way to set things up is the way to fix things up

    some apps don’t respect desktop scaling

    are these gtk based apps? Different toolsets require different envs


    Have you tried syncthing?

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    Connor McGregor Wants to Run for Irish President
  • I think Musk is another puppet when it comes to X (SpaceX, Tesla and Neuralink not necessarily IMO). It's interesting how the message of both is "I'll make world easier by reducing number of people and processes". And it seems such language gets following

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    Connor McGregor Wants to Run for Irish President
  • I know nothing about Ireland politics. But is it me that's jaded or this looks like puppet president?

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    TIL Gravity is not about mass pulling other mass. It's mass bending ~~time~~ spacetime that makes other mass get closer
  • This is where the name relativity comes in. You have to think in terms of relative speed. Your speed relative to earth will indeed advance closer and closer to c but never reach it. There’s a bunch of really wild and crazy implications behind this.

    ah, right. In a ship travelling with c, for someone outside the ship, I turn on the lights and observe the light to travel with c. For that external observer the light from my lamp travels at the same speed as my ship

    My mind was already bent! ;)

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    TIL Gravity is not about mass pulling other mass. It's mass bending ~~time~~ spacetime that makes other mass get closer
  • It’s popular to think of those things as like crazy high G turns but they’re not. You’re just flying in a straight line through space time.

    Soooo... Interstellar was wrong with all the shaking of the camera?

    Are you on earth or is the ship in space accelerating at a constant rate? Again, there’s no way to tell. They are, physically, the same.

    In case of accelerating ship, I wonder what would happen in local frame once you hit/get really close to c. You'd get decelerated out of nowhere? Just as if you hit something?

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    TIL Gravity is not about mass pulling other mass. It's mass bending ~~time~~ spacetime that makes other mass get closer
  • The understanding I got from school was that gravity might be some kind of force and basically one mass attracts other mass, like electric potentials do

    Keep in mind, that was 20 years ago. Our understanding might have changed and tbh I wouldn't expect a high school physics teacher to be on the bleeding edge of research in all physics fields

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    Controller isn't working when using Lutris through Steam
  • Then, I think, go into Steam, open the page of the game in library and in the options somewhere on the right, just below the image (?), try to disable something like Steam controller input for this game

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    Controller isn't working when using Lutris through Steam
  • uhm. Ok, let's get back one step. What is Steam shortcut?

    It works when I launch through Lutris, but yea - using the Steam shortcut it doesn’t work

    Does "steam shortcut" mean that you are running lutris from steam? In such case maybe it's the other way round than what I proposed earlier - steam controller thingy grabs the controller and because of that it doesn't go straight to the game?

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    Elon Musk has voted by mail despite attacking the option ‘insane,’ records show
  • Oh! Now I know what this is. It's not "mail voting is bad, let's not mail vote". It's "let's use X to vote"

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    Elon Musk has voted by mail despite attacking the option ‘insane,’ records show
  • Plot twist (just for fun, I'm not trying to protect him): he actually wasn't. The votes were fake and whoever were faking them dropped the ball by using info of someone recognizable

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    Controller isn't working when using Lutris through Steam
  • Does the game support the controller? When you're running the game via Steam, it uses its controller service(?). When you are running the game somewhat directly this part will not be running. So if the game does not support your controller directly, you might need to find a way how to make it recognize it

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    How reliable are modern LLMs?
  • Asking an LLM for raw R code that accomplishes some task and fixing the bugs it hallucinates can be a time booster, though

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    Originally coined as "invcel" around 1997 by a queer Canadian female student known as Alana, the spelling had shifted to "incel" by 1999
  • I think it's like racists. Whether one wants to be one or not is not tied with being one or not. That doesn't mean they all have one secret handshake

  • https:// /c/hinduslutdomination

    Honest question about the acceptance lines, not trying to trigger a response

    Personally, I feel this is misogynistic and derogatory. But maybe I'm the one out of line

    Btw, is there some other way to flag a whole community to the mods?


    I'm always on the lookout for run inspirations. But many Shadowrun missions were hit or miss

    0 Open-Source Security Chip Released

    The first commercial chip based on the OpenTitan hardware security design has hit the market

    I was very excited to see that open hardware seems to be happening, despite my perception

    But it seems that OpenTitan is somehow connected to Google. And now I'm conflicted



    > I know that eventually the answer is "whatever I want" but I would like to hear what others think. > > There's an MCT oil rig on Baltic Sea. Anarchists from Kronstadt noticed peculiar data transfer some time ago going there and managed to hijack the place. Then they transmitted message that they are an eco terrorist group (I did not specify which one to my players) and demand MCT to stop polluting. After that, folded the satellite dish to buy some time for the decker and rigger to look around the host. > > Now, from a point of, for example, TerraFist. An oil rig nearby is in disarray, none of their contacts in other groups say they're doing it. And MCT HTR is definitely on its way. > Does it make sense for them to come to the rig and make contact/make sure it gets disabled/make trouble for HTR? > > I think their appearance has potential to turn this job into a nice chaotic clusterfuck and opportunity to show my players some variety of the world (they would definitely come on a yacht going superspeed with help of a spirit). > But does it make any sense at all for anyone besides me?


    I might be wrong but I'm 90% sure the Shadowrun (ttrpg) community was on this instance. Now I can't find it anywhere (cross-instance community search doesn't find it too) and I can see in my profile that my posts sent there disappeared too. Was the community closed? I couldn't find this info in the modlog


    [Kickstarter] Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion

    > This 200+ page hardcover book updates the original Science Fiction Companion to be completely compatible with the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition


    Blades' "skip to the action"+retrospective+stress mechanics worked really well for my table.

    I'm looking for other systems and homebrews that would allow us to "plan" the heists later, during the actual action.

    https:// /@thethoughtemporium


    > I stumbled upon this channel long time ago. Since then he claims to have Grown Real Spider Silk Using Yeast or taught rat neurons to play Doom. > The way he presents the content doesn't sound like a complete fantasy but my understanding of the topics is very rudimentary. > > What do Lemmy biologists think about this channel?

    And what do Lemmy scientists in general think?

    https:// /@thethoughtemporium

    I stumbled upon this channel long time ago. Since then he claims to have Grown Real Spider Silk Using Yeast or taught rat neurons to play Doom. The way he presents the content doesn't sound like a complete fantasy but my understanding of the topics is very rudimentary.

    What do Lemmy biologists think about this channel?



    > My characters are organizing an extraction of local (country) MCT head of security. He is Japanese, raised by the corp from birth, but not completely beguiled as his son is an orc and he had to pull some levers to get him into school etc. > He's aware of extraction and agreed to it. > > But the twist is that he decided to get extracted because he's taking the fall for a secret lab getting blown up in the middle of MCT office campus. So in a way he was made responsible for actions of some shadowrunners and now he's hiring (technically it's his mother organizing this but that's a detail) another ones. I think that can evoke some ambivalent emotions. > They are going to meet in secret soon to get some of his blood, pass the details of the plan, etc. > What are your thoughts on how to roleplay his attitude towards the characters and the whole thing? > > P.S. He doesn't know that but, of course, it was our jolly bunch of psychos that have blown the lab up.


    Today I seem to be unable to comment in a local comunity. The "Post" button keeps spinning.

    I tried reloading the page, reload the cache (ctrl+f5), waiting more. Yesterday posting was working for me.


    How to observe a post

    Sometimes I see an interesting question but since I prefer to watch "New" these are usually without any responses. I would like to be able to "watch" the post and get notified about new comments on it.

    I know that there is the save button and when I list the saved posts it will show me if there are some new messages. But still a notification would be nicer.

    Any way to have that currently?


    As in the title. I know that the word jailbreak comes from rooting Apple phones or something similar. But I am not sure what can be gained from jailbreaking a language model.

    It will be able to say "I can't do that Dave" instead of hallucinating? Or will only start spewing less sanitary responses?
