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[OC] Frostbite i Jönköping
  • Oof, hope you got home alright! I had a very sketchy drive to work the day after - was lucky to not have switched to summer tires.

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    Rule in Thuringia, Germany
  • Tens of thousands of people every week, having walked all the way through Europe to get to Sweden mind you, because they didn't want to seek asylum in any of the handful of countries they passed along the way.

    We were quite literally running out of places to put these people. Not bussing them elsewhere would've meant leaving them on the streets, in tents with winter swiftly approaching. To put things into context, Sweden literally ran into a shortage of mattresses due to the number of people that came here. Schools, hotels, apartments, sports centers etc. etc. were being used to house them. All spaces, everywhere.

    I have no sympathy whatsoever for those who behaved like that. If anything, they should've been sent straight back to where they came from, in order to make room for any of the countless others that wanted a safe haven and would've been grateful for it.

    It's the equivalent of a homeless person you offered to stay in your basement threatening to kill you for not giving them something more comfortable, when you'd already offered up your guest room and couch to other homeless people.

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    Rule in Thuringia, Germany
  • We had spicy food even before the mass immigration wave, and the gov:t didn't decide how to distribute them, because it isn't allowed to force people to live somewhere.

    There were actually several instances where immigrants were bussed to northern Sweden to house them there (lots of nice, cheap, empty housing up north), but they refused to get off the busses. On one occasion a bus driver was threatened with death if he didn't drive them back - guy went for a piss at the next fuel stop and left them.

    All in all, a shit situation.

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