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Waffle House employee killed after customer becomes irate, police say
  • You have to be a special kind of asshole to shoot at someone who just made you waffles.

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    Chrome's new Digital ID is a power grab
  • For sure the integration between lemmy and mastodon could be more seamless than it currently is.

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    Disabling wi-fi on Samsung home appliances (specifically dishwasher)
  • I couldn't find it using the model number on but it might be that the dishwashers themselves aren't FCC certified and they only send whatever wireless board they add to it.
    Usually can find anything that has radio signals with teardown pics, etc.

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    ‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats
  • In their ideology, if you're not "normal", you're in one of the othered groups and your face becomes a fair target for their favorite face-eating leopards.

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    Disabling wi-fi on Samsung home appliances (specifically dishwasher)
  • model #? You can usually find enough info from the FCC id, which often has pictures of insides, especially radio stuff like.

    Edit: nvm, I had missed the Costco link. I'll see if I can find anything.

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    What is a low technology you really love ?
  • I love mine, it's so gentle and civilized.
    I wish they made a modern version with the adjustable slice width thing, it'd be perfect.

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    Chrome's new Digital ID is a power grab
  • That's just how it works on mastodon

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    What to do when a post does not federate
  • Searched for it and it's there. Don't know if it was before but that's one way to "fix" missing content is to use the search feature and paste the original URL

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  • My old school "upgraded" it when we left... by asphalting around it.

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    Rice and Beans with Coconut Milk Recipe | Simple & Delicious
  • So, OP is indeed a bot, but they forgot to link to the site they're pushing (their username).
    In the spirit of not giving traffic to spammers, here's the recipe so you without their site's ads.

    Rice and Beans with Coconut Milk Recipe

    Prep Time: 10 minutes
    Cook Time: 35 minutes
    Total Time: 45 minutes
    Course: Dinner Plate
    Cuisine: Caribbean
    Servings: 4


    • 1 1/2 cups long grain white rice
    • 1 can coconut milk
    • 2 cups chicken broth
    • 1 can red beans, drained
    • 1 can pinto beans, drained
    • 1 chicken bouillon cube, dissolved in broth
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1 tbsp butter


    1. In a large pot over medium-high heat, melt the butter and sauté the minced garlic until slightly golden. Remove from the pot.
    2. Add the rice, coconut milk, chicken broth, and both types of beans to the pot. Stir to combine.
    3. Cook uncovered until the liquid evaporates.
    4. Cover the pot, reduce the heat to medium, and cook for 12 minutes.
    5. Stir the rice with a large spoon, then fluff with a fork to separate the grains.
    6. Continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes until the rice is soft.
    7. Serve as a side dish and enjoy!

    This dish pairs well with grilled meats or can be enjoyed on its own as part of a vegetarian meal. Enjoy your cooking!

    Banning OP in 3..2..

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    Rice and Beans with Coconut Milk Recipe | Simple & Delicious
  • OP is indeed a bot, but they forgot to link to the site they're pushing (their username).
    In the spirit of not giving traffic to spammers, here's the recipe so you without their site's ads.

    Rice and Beans with Coconut Milk Recipe

    Prep Time: 10 minutes
    Cook Time: 35 minutes
    Total Time: 45 minutes
    Course: Dinner Plate
    Cuisine: Caribbean
    Servings: 4


    • 1 1/2 cups long grain white rice
    • 1 can coconut milk
    • 2 cups chicken broth
    • 1 can red beans, drained
    • 1 can pinto beans, drained
    • 1 chicken bouillon cube, dissolved in broth
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1 tbsp butter


    1. In a large pot over medium-high heat, melt the butter and sauté the minced garlic until slightly golden. Remove from the pot.
    2. Add the rice, coconut milk, chicken broth, and both types of beans to the pot. Stir to combine.
    3. Cook uncovered until the liquid evaporates.
    4. Cover the pot, reduce the heat to medium, and cook for 12 minutes.
    5. Stir the rice with a large spoon, then fluff with a fork to separate the grains.
    6. Continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes until the rice is soft.
    7. Serve as a side dish and enjoy!

    This dish pairs well with grilled meats or can be enjoyed on its own as part of a vegetarian meal. Enjoy your cooking!

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    MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • Circumcision does not prevent STDs.
    Bathing and showering is also a thing.

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    Ohio’s GOP Governor Dismisses ‘Crazy’ MAGA Cat Conspiracy Theory Promoted by Trump: ‘No Truth, No Evidence’
  • Dismisses it, but ultimately still supports GOP even when the leopards smell his face.

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  • It does taste different.l but it's still milk.
    I've grown up on a farm, and milk can even taste different from cow to cow, or at different times of the year if that changes their alimentation.
    Raw milk also usually has a higher fat content than what most people buy.
    Ours would average 4.5%.

    Different breeds also taste different, holsteins, ayrshires, jerseys, etc.

    I've never been a big fan of milk, so I can't into much details on flavor.

    I personally wouldn't procure raw milk from a farm I didn't know very well.

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    Bruh even the Bleach blonde, bad built butch body lady called Laura Loomer a racist
  • I wake up.
    Read the first post on the feed.
    I agree with MTG.
    Well this is weird, I should go back to sleep.

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    How can I find out why one of my accounts is banned?
  • Search for your username in the modlog

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    Americans used record 100 trillion megabytes of wireless data in 2023
  • About 14 football fields, stacked up to the crossbar.
    according to GPT-4o-mini that I haven't double-checked, which means it's likely wrong somewhere.

    Summary of Paper Volume and Football Fields

    Data Capacity of a Letter-Sized Page

    • Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
    • Average Text Capacity:
      • Approximately 500 to 600 words
      • About 2,500 to 3,000 characters
      • Roughly 2,500 to 3,000 bytes (using standard ASCII/UTF-8)

    Total Pages for 100 Exabytes

    • 100 Exabytes = 10^20 bytes
    • Average Bytes per Page: 2,750 bytes
    • Total Pages: Approximately 36.4 trillion pages

    Volume of the Paper

    • Volume of One Page:
      • Volume = 8.5 inches x 11 inches x 0.004 inches ≈ 0.000374 cubic inches
    • Total Volume for 36.4 Trillion Pages:
      • Total volume ≈ 7.89 million cubic feet

    Volume of a Football Field

    • Dimensions:
      • Length: 120 yards (360 feet)
      • Width: 53.3 yards (160 feet)
      • Height: 10 feet
    • Volume: Approximately 576,000 cubic feet

    Football Fields Needed to Hold the Paper

    • Calculation:
      • Number of football fields ≈ 7,890,000 cubic feet / 576,000 cubic feet ≈ 14
    • Result: Approximately 14 football
  • Sticks. And the People Who Love Them.

    Those who appreciate “something as basic as a stick” are sharing their enthusiasm through a newly popular Instagram account.


    It's my little ritual, just in case there's ever an alternate ending where you rid the world of the amulet instead.

    Toss it in the pits/volcano kinda vibe.

    What useless stuff do you try on your runs?


    Tell us what game you are currently, or recently played, greater than 6+ months old.

    If the game happens to be on sale, a link would be a plus.


    it's love



    What if I'm happy, but still want to reject cookies? What if I'm not happy, but also don't want to manage cookies?

    theguardian's banner truth table: | Happy | Cookies | output | | --- | --- | --- | | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |

    Is happiness a choice?


    English message:

    As some of you may have noticed, there's an instance with 1.1M bots reposting reddit posts and comments accross communities in several other instances.  

    I expect there are multiple valid opinions on the subject and this thread is meant to get a feeling of everyone's opinion on the situation. 

    You might also want to read's discussion on that here which is a pretty decent thread about the subject.  

    Things that I think need to be pointed out:  

    • currently has 1.1M bots, only 6 of those are weekly users logging in. 
    • together they've made 1.59M comments accross a multitude of communities in other instances.
    • That project claims to be trying to get reddit users to switch to lemmy. 
    • They have a portal to allow reddit users to claim and take over their bot persona. 
    • has a single local community, the bots all post on different instances with copies of different subreddits.

    I don't have an exhaustive list of such communities,  I haven't found an official one.  I'll post a fewfrom my personal blocklist in a comment below. 

    And a note on the upcoming 0.19 release: 

    • the new user-level instance block feature will block all the communities of the blocked instances,  but will not block these users' posts or comments if they are done on another instance's community.  

    My opinion isn't any more valid then anyone else's so I'll put it in a comment below.

    Our users' input is welcomed.

    What do you, dear users of, think about federation with them?



    Message français:

    Comme certains d'entre vous l'ont peut-être remarqué, il y a une instance peuplée de 1,1M de bots qui copient ees posts et commentaires Reddit dans plein de communautés sur plusieurs autres instances.

    Il y a plusieurs opinions sur le sujet et ce fil de discussion vise à prendre le pouls de l'opinion générale sur la situation.

    Je vous suggères de lire la discussion chez à ce sujet ici, discussion intéressante. 

    Quelques points qui, selon moi, doivent être soulignés :

    • compte actuellement 1,1 million de robots, dont seulement 6 sont des utilisateurs hebdomadaires qui se login.
    • collectivement, ils ont déjà fait 1,59 million de commentaires dans une multitude de communautés dans différentes instances.
    • Ce projet proclame essayer de convertir des utilisateurs de Reddit à passer à Lemmy.
    • Il existe un portail pour permettre aux utilisateurs de Reddit de prendre contrôle de leur version bot.
    • a une seule communauté locale, les bots publient tous sur différentes instances, des copies de différents subreddits.

    Je n'ai pas de liste exhaustive de ces communautés, à première vue, je n'en trouve pas une liste officielle.  Je mettrai dans un commentaire ci-dessous quelques communautés que j'ai bloqué au niveau personnel. 

    Pour finir,  une note sur la version 0.19 de lemmy qui s'en vient :

    • La nouvelle fonctionnalité pour bloquer une instance au niveau d'un uutilisateur bloquera toutes les communautés d'une instance bloquée, mais ne bloquera pas les publications ou les commentaires de ces utilisateurs s'ils sont publiés dans une communauté d'une autre instance.

    Mon opinion n'est pas meilleur qu'une autre et je mettrai plutôt dans un commentaire ci-bas.

    Les commentaires de nos utilisateurs sont les bienvenus.

    Que pensez-vous, cher utilisateurs de de la fédération avec eux?



    Hi, If you know what spam I'm talking about, I'm sorry. If you don't, don't bother looking for it, it's honestly not worth your time. Either way, we've taken steps to reduce the impact of such an event. As always, if you see any, report it.   Thanks,

    Bonjour, Si vous savez de quel spam je parle, désolé. Sinon, perdrez pas votre temps, ça en vaut la peine. Dans un cas comme dans l'autre, nous avons pris des mesures pour limiter l'impact de ce genre d'événement. Comme toujours, si vous en voyez, faites un signalement. Merci,

    4 Tinnitus Linked to Hidden Undetected Auditory Nerve Damage – A Step Towards a Cure

    A groundbreaking study by Mass Eye and Ear associates tinnitus with undetected auditory nerve damage, challenging previous beliefs and opening new paths for treatment through auditory nerve regeneration. A new study from Mass Eye and Ear investigators reveals that people who report tinnitus, whic

    Curing tinnitus would sure be nice for a lot of people.

    Annonce en français:

    Des ajouts ont récemment été faits à la liste d'instances bloquées.

    Comme celles-ci étaient des instances connues pour héberger du contenu illégal, incluant des communautés pedo, loli, etc. elles ont été bloquées sans discussion préalable dans l'!

    Vous pouvez consulter à tout moment la liste d'instances bloquées au bas de cette [page] ( dans la section Blocked Instances.

    Merci !


    English message:

    We've recently added a few instances to the block list.

    We usually made a discussion and vote in !, but this latest batch was a bunch of instances confirmed to be hosting CSAM, CP, pedo and/or loli content. Since these are illegal, they've been removed without Agora threads.

    At any time, you can see the current list of blocked instances here, all the way down in the Blocked Instances section.


    6 All 41 workers trapped in Uttarakhand tunnel evacuated after 17 days

    The 17-day long wait for the 41 workers trapped in the Silkyara tunnel of Uttarakhand finally ended on Tuesday.

    cross-posted from:

    > The 17-day long wait for the 41 workers trapped in the Silkyara tunnel of Uttarakhand finally ended on Tuesday.

    1 Guinea worm disease is close to being eradicated – how was this progress achieved?

    In the late 1980s, there were near a million new cases of guinea worm disease recorded worldwide. In 2021, there were only 15. How was this achieved?

    cross-posted from:

    > There is a discussion on Hacker News, but feel free to comment here as well.

    Message en Français:

    Comme certains ont pu constaté, il y a eu beaucoup de spam de contenu gore ce matin a travers une panoplie de communautés. 

    L'utilisateur en question a été banni localement et leur contenu effacé.   Ils ne sont pas encore bannis sur leur instance mère, mais vous ne devriez plus tomber dessus tant que vous naviguez avec votre compte

    Désolé pour ceux qui ont eu à subir cette merde et merci à tous ceux qui l'ont signalé.  N'hésitez pas à signaler ce genre de chose quand ça arrive, soit via le petit drapeau (report), ou sur le chat matrix. 

    Pour balancer le gore, voici un chat qui dort: 



    English message:

    As some of you may have had the displeasure to see, there was a user spamming links to gore content earlier today accross several unrelated communities.

    They've since been banned locally and their content removed.  While they have yet to be banned on their home instance, you shouldn't be exposed to their content as long as you browse from here your account.

    Thanks to everyone for reporting it, feel free to reach out either through the flag report icon or the matrix chat whenever something like that happens again. 

    Here's a cat to balance out the gore: 



    5 Dossier | Karl Tremblay (1976-2023) | Le cœur d’un cowboy (6 articles)

    Le chanteur du groupe Les Cowboys Fringants s’est éteint mercredi à 47 ans, emporté par le cancer. Le monde de la musique est en deuil, mais c’est tout le Québec qui le pleure. Notre dossier sur une étoile qui n’a pas fini de scintiller.

    Triste nouvelle aujourd'hui. Je m'en va ecouter une ptite toune d'automne...

    0 Bangladesh achieves historic milestone by eliminating kala-azar as a public health problem

    In a monumental achievement, Bangladesh has become the first country in the world to be officially validated for having eliminated visceral leishmaniasis, commonly known as kala-azar, as a public health problem.

    Kala-azar is a deadly parasitic disease that's also known as Black Fever, or Visceral leishmaniasis. It is the second most deadly parasitic disease (after malaria).


    Hey there, This post is to let you know that and myself have recently been appointed as admins here by to help them and with moderation.

    We've been meaning to introduce ourselves for a while, but hadn't taken the time just yet, here it is.

    I'll be posting more about me as a comment below because this is getting long already.



    @TheDude nous a récemment ajouté, @kersploosh et moi comme admins dans le but d'aider l'équipe (@TheDude et @imaqtpie) avec la modération du site.

    Ça fait un moment que nous voulions faire ce post pour s'introduire, alors voilà.

    Je vais écrire un peu plus d'info à mon sujet dans un commentaire ci-bas.


    Meow !

    Do I have to post if I don't leave? Do I have to leave now that I've posted?


    Testing hotlinking the image instead of the main page.

    Alt-text copied manually below: >You can pour a drink into it while hosting a party, although it's a real pain to fit in the dishwasher afterward.


    Just stumbled upon this place while browsing /all and I also happen to have written some lines just yesterday, for the first time in years. Some coïncidence.

    I was inspired by a really nice photo in ! shared by @lewosadebu and I wasn't even writing verses at first but it kinda became something half-way through.

    Don't get too excited, the lines aren't that great but the photo is nice to look at. Peace


    Wish I'd made a more worthy first post here, but pictures under 1MB do work (around 800k for this one, but failed at 1.2MB before resizing. !

    So anyway, what's everyone favorite book? Current read?
