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Tell me something funny about your brain 🧠
  • I'm asexual and aromantic so those parts just don't do anything in my head. I often find people's romantic woes very confusing as the option of "just leave them" seems very simple to me!

    I do experience a lot of love for my friends though and make friends easily so I'm in no way lonely or pining.

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    Bus Drivers Strike with Climate Activists in 57 German Cities
  • As someone who is an environmentalist and works in the bus industry this really heartens me. Public transit really needs to step up it's game in response to climate change and I'm excited for that.

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    What's your recent pet news?
  • I'm just starting to get into aquariums. Had one as a kid and now that I've got my own place I can do the naturalistic planted tank(s) of my dreams! Got the substrate and hardscape sorted yesterday, going back to the shop for plants today!

    First tank is only 27L but a friend gave me a 65L one that is going to be epic!

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    how's your holidays going, Beehaw
  • Much better than expect. This has been the first year where we've had someone outside of our immediate family join us (my brother's girlfriend) and it's been very pleasant.

    Going to start working my way through the Christmas ales I've been saving now!

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    What are you reading?
  • Working my way through Anne McCaffrey's Pern novels again. Read them first as a child and it's lovely being back in that world again

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    Pluralistic: “If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing”
  • In fairness, games are still something I'm willing to pay for and books. I think probably because Kindle and Steam are better user experiences than pirating those.

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    Pluralistic: “If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing”
  • I used to have a moral objection to piracy, I thought that if a piece of media is good enough that I enjoy it then the people that made it deserve to be paid for their work.

    I'm increasingly of the opinion that even if I do pay for something there is no guarantee that the people that worked on it will get their fair share and paying for media is increasingly a worse user experience than piracy.

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    How do you prevent burnout at work?
  • I'm not neurodivergant, but I've definitely had to consciously get better at this. Booking regular holidays throughout the year is what helped me, don't just take holiday when you get to screaming pitch. This gives you something to look forward to and hopefully means that you'll be able to decompress before all the various annoyances build up.

    I haven't yet found a job that hasn't eventually caused me to burn out, even the relatively chill jobs with little pressure have eventually had enough niggling issues to cause me issues.

    Another thing is to not take on more trouble than you are paid for. If managers aren't listening or politics is causing issues then just concentrate on doing your job to the best of your ability and nothing more, when issues start affecting the companies bottom line then they'll take notice.

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    Why did you feed the mimic? My all time favorite writing prompt
  • In my campaign the party came across a magic item seller who had two juvenile mimics in a terrarium in his shop. This is now canon for how he met his first mimic.

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    How has Cities:Skylines II been for you?
  • I turned down a few graphic settings but honestly thoughly playable. Looking forward to performance patches so I can turn some of the eye candy back on

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    How has Cities:Skylines II been for you?
  • I'm enjoying it. I've remembered that I'm terrible at building cities, but I'm having fun while coming to that realization again! Performance is mid 50fps with about 5000 people at 1080p with a 2080 super and a ryzen 3600x.
