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Anon pretends to be a girl online
  • Baldur's gate made a whole lot of believers; every character in that game is hot as fuck, including the horned demon lady. Especially the horned demon lady.

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    Fallout Series (Why don’t I like it?)
  • Strange, I've not met many people that would rank FO4 over FO3 or new vegas. Atleast, not in terms of story or gameplay design. What are your opinions on 3 and new vegas?

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    "Yeah, but what if we used AI?"
  • Exactly. A portion of the money is funnelled back to them. Social events for networking become tax write offs when they add a "Help the kids" box out front.

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    This 7-year-old has a lemonade stand to pay for her mom's tombstone
  • The way we treat our dead, and the people coping with the grief of losing their loved ones is like number 2 on the sentience scale.

    So practices like this, predation on recently bereaved family members is pretty much pulling the entire human civilisation backwards. It's barbaric, entirely unnecessary and completely incompatible with social living.

    In a civilised society, such things would be abhorrent and the people involved would be ostracised, exiled from culture; engaging with them would have been taboo.

    Good on you for leaving such a system behind. When we all subscribe to such value systems we will be far better off.

    Why have you not yet named these corporations? Why have you not named your boss? You continue to serve these same interests with your silence. Shame on you for it.

  • I can't decide if the lack of drums enhances the experience. I love these songs, so I may be biased a little.

    I think it makes the songs a little mellower, more pleasant to listen to or fall asleep to, at the end of a long workday.l


    I don't know if it's because I grew up in a different time period or whether my sense of humor is just misaligned, or if it's just that I don't have the background necessary, but I don't understand shit.

    I don't get any of the jokes, some are just completely undecipherable, and some comics just leave me feeling stupid as hell.

    How do you guys understand any of this? What do the user demographics of this community look like?

    Is this a government psyop? Are these comics evidence trails to hire super smart cryptography detectives like Cicada 3301? Are they memetic triggers for activating sleeper agents? To be honest I think I'd feel better if it was.
