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Grandma is republican.
  • Her church posted it. You should meet her, she’s very republican… fears everything, constantly whining, full on Trump gear, goes to a hate-church.

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    Grandma is republican.
  • Her Church posted it.

    They’re part of a trump-Christ evangelical church collective. They don’t believe it’s blasphemy.

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    Right-wing host forced to remove videos after calling gay dad a 'pervert homo'
  • Right-wing Christians are obsessed with sexual deviance.

    It is how the whole thing began (Adam and Eve eating forbidden fruit analogy), and sexual deviance pervades Christian culture and is seen as a strength in Christian leaders (why they love Trump, or defend pedophile priests).

    As such, they see sexual deviance everywhere, lots of places where it doesn’t exist, but they imagine it must because it’s an obsession, fuelled by anger, in every spare moment of their thought.

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    New poll finds strong majority opposes gender-affirming care bans for trans minors
  • It’s really fucked up that so many people think it’s their place to be involved in other people’s personal medical decisions, especially when the medical guidelines are currently quite conservative, and based on medical consensus.

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    Microsoft in damage-control mode, says it will prioritize security over AI
  • Management is the weakest link in any organisation.

    All they have to do is just listen to the smart people on their team and collect a big paycheque, take credit when work goes well and blame the staff when work goes bad.

    If they try to use their own ideas to run the business, this is what happens.

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    The Christian right is coming for divorce next
    1. Ban abortion
    2. Ban divorce
    3. Lower marriage age to 12.
    4. You can now have a child sex slave, thank Jesus! God bless all.

    I think this is the Christian plan for marriage and for childhood for females.

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    Imagine being this guy..
  • Oh, I’ve used one. I thought it was pretty nice.

    Seems like a company is making these. The oil sector fights anything that makes it easier to not use a vehicle, probably them.

    How would any individual care, and enough to print flyers?

  • Does this count as Republican Jesus?

    WTF Joe
  • They literally want to turn your boys into girls through mandated injections.

    We’re putting a stop to it in Alberta Canada. Our prophet and Jesus are taking on this challenge.

