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Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • You need to dumb it down a bit if you want me to understand

    You can’t set me up like that, I’m tapping out. Someone else explain basic human decency to this person, plz.

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    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • I’ve asked what the pearl clutching itself accomplishes.

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    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • Have you asked the same question about your disingenuous hand wringing? 🤔

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    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • Is pineapple good on pizza? <— a debate

    Are human rights guaranteed to all humans? <— a fucking ghoulish question that you deserve to be mocked for “debating”

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    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • B-but I just want to have a civil debate about why genocide is ok, why won’t anyone be nice to me? Wyahhhhh, such toxicity! People are so small minded if they can’t accept ethnic cleansing :(

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    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • It’s because you’re so speshul. I actually have your picture on my wall.

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    Is Sugar really as addictive as Cocaine/drugs in general?
  • Sugar addiction is not the same as a drug that causes physiologic dependence, like cocaine or opiates.


    You can become addicted to sugar, or anything that makes you feel good, because you’re basically hacking into the cocaine repository that’s already in your brain. Anything that triggers a hit of dopamine and/or noradrenaline - gambling, shopping, sex, food, weed - can cause addictive behavior, but you’re essentially addicted to your own neurotransmitters and not the thing itself.

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    When it's time to wrap up the session.
  • This comic is the last part of an ongoing story


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    Idiom continuity
  • I haven’t enjoyed any of Nathan Pyles content since I found out he is pro forced birth/anti choice.

    Fuck that guy.

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    What to do when cat keeps shifting infront of the litterbox
  • This is generally good advice but I’d use (If it’s available in your region) to spray on the spots instead of vinegar. Cats don’t typically eliminate where they’ve scent marked, and the spray is full of marking pheromones from their feet.

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    Make your own luck.
  • Well summarized

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    Make your own luck.
  • Konsi is my favorite part of being federated

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    Just the basics
  • Appalachia: “Am I a joke to you?”

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    The tech companies scanning your face while you shop
  • That’s going to be hard with a mask on

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    Atheists, is there anything religious that sticks with you to this day?
  • What an interesting question!

    I was raised Protestant by an exmo and a lapsed catholic. I still like some of the music, and I think a lot of Christian mythology is really interesting. Jesus occupies a “cool dude” role in my belief system, but he’s not the main focus.

    I was a pretty devout practicing pagan for a while after leaving Christianity.

    Now I just kinda do my own thing, loosely cribbed from the parts of Christianity that I like and some chaos magic stuff and some kemeticism and whatever else seems cool. I kinda focus on nonduality and go from there.

    I really enjoy the idea of ritualistic worship, but that attraction feels like the kind of chemical attraction in my brain that would have taken place whether I was raised in a church or not.

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    Atheists, is there anything religious that sticks with you to this day?
  • Fyi the Hexbear code says if you don’t want to have this debate you just need to say “disengage” and the person is supposed to respect your boundary.

    I don’t know if people know that or not.

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    Why does such a large portion of want to block And, how can Hexbearians improve?
  • stilt·ed /ˈstiltəd/ adjective

    (of a manner of talking or writing) stiff and self-conscious or unnatural.

    (Psst, it has nothing to do with stilts)

  • Jump
    Why does such a large portion of want to block And, how can Hexbearians improve?
  • Nah, your weird attempts at persuasion via stilted language and false objectivity are real fuckin tiring already and I just joined this conversation.

    Try your bullshit concern trolling on someone else ❤️

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    Why does such a large portion of want to block And, how can Hexbearians improve?
  • “B-but! Someone called me mean names when I said asinine reactionary shit! That means they’re trolls >:(“
