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  • She was doing a good job gaining her Internet status. Oh well, her old stuff was great. I guess all good things come to an end

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    The world is running out of soldiers
  • Not the ultra patriots, they think other people's kids are dieing to keep us safe from ... Communism? Socialism? Something like that?

  • NSFW
    Healthcare? Oooo maybe next time...
  • WW2 was last time the US military actually did anything of value. After that they were fighting farmers and peasants and/or just feed the industrial machine.

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    I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit
  • Perhaps people need to stop coddling OP. I don't know if you have ever been in a position where you were the sole person supporting an entire household, it's pretty hard to keep your sanity. OP isn't helping the situation with his tantrum. I'm calling it as I see it, he's being a bitch ass.

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    I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit
  • It's nothing in the scope of home finances, I don't walk around with that much money, but my home always finds a way to make me spend thousands of dollars on fixing dumb shit every year.

    Either way, the point is OP doesn't like his wife spending money on herself, which I think is lame as fuck

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    I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit
  • When it comes to home finances, $2500 is nothing. It is not cheap to maintain a home. Regardless, that's not what OP was complaining about. His wife is the breadwinner and he is complaining she is spending money on herself essentially. $2500 in credit card debt is not something to get so bent out of shape about - He is a bitch ass and I will die on this hill.

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    I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit
  • Bro, seriously? $2500 is nothing. I can't believe your post is real, you are being way too dramatic over this. She is the breadwinner, let her spend money on herself and don't make her feel so guilty she had to hide this pocket change from you - clearly you are too controlling with this. Tell her your a bitch ass for even thinking this is a major problem and letting it upset you. Laugh, tell her you will work on yourself and move on.

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    Age is just a number
  • Does us vs them really require empathy? I always saw it as a lack of empathy - the empathy in tribalism seems to end at the tribe

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    For Eric Kripke, ‘The Boys’ Was Always About Trumpism
  • Conservatives were always about what Trump is about, they only hid behind dog whistles pre-Trump, but nothing is different. The only difference, Trump was too dumb to understand he was supposed to not say the quite stuff out loud

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    Get your vote in now!!
  • Good analysis, but I'd say your not taking a vital factor into account with "AI", it's only going to get better, and crooks, conmen, corporations, etc are going to find new ways to weaponize it. I use LLM's often, and for my purposes, they are truly amazing (now that Google search is fucking useless)

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    Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows
  • I refuse to pay for a subscription where I don't own the music. CD's, records, tapes - I still do it. I do need to start ripping mp3's off YouTube more though - just a matter of time before shit starts disappearing

  • First shitpost to make it truly like reddit. Can I downvote myself?
