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The US healthcare system is broken...
  • What in the sam hell are you trying to communicate with this word salad?

    But if you want to talk politics and healthcare, there's one party that's made any real effort at improvement in the last 2 decades, and it's the Democrats. The Republicans try to gut the system at every opportunity.

    There are plenty of Democrats in Congress that would like to continue to improve healthcare, but the Dems don't have the numbers - particularly in the House - to pass further reform.

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    Georgia GOP Leader, a 2020 Election Denier, Illegally Voted Nine Times
  • The article doesn't state he voted multiple times in the same election;it appears to be saying he voted in multiple elections across several years while he was ineligible to vote.

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    Costco is testing out a new system for entering stores
  • "And now, Costco is testing out a system that requires members to scan their membership cards at the store entrance — instead of just flashing the card to employees."

    "The scanners also mean employees don’t need to ask customers for their membership cards at cash registers and self-checkout."

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    I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices
  • If he had left it at "I'm raising prices", then no one would have an issue with what he said.

    The rest of it is just him being a giant asshole

    Everyone except dumbasses with no critical thinking skills understands that in order to pay people a living wage, prices have to adjust accordingly

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    Please fill out your Russell Wilson Apology Form
  • Maybe I watched a different game, but I saw a guy that couldn't convert 3rd downs or score TDs. He's damn lucky that Sutton went up and took away that terrible pass in the end zone that should have been picked off.

    Wilson has improved from last year, but he's at best an average QB.

  • NSFW
    Candidate in high-stakes Virginia election performed sex acts with husband in live videos
  • What are you talking about?

    Assuming she is telling the truth, someone (not her) recorded her Chaturbate session, and then uploaded it to another site or sites without her permission

    That is 100% a crime under revenge porn laws

    Simply recording the stream may have been a crime

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    Why wasn't former President Bush of the USA, charged with any crimes, when we marched into Afghanistan and Iraq by his orders, under pretenses?
  • Trump is being charged by the US and state governments with violation of US and state laws

    That's a far different scenario than an international court attempting to charge and arrest a US president (current or former

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    Ask why the cops need this
  • This is the stupidest thing I've ever read on the internet. Sure give up all your rights as a citizen based on one (probably fake, but either way) story about a single supposed situation where someone outgunned the police

    Fucking bootlicker
