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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to ban drug ads on TV. It wouldn’t be easy - West Hawaii Today
  • You need to actually listen to what he is saying, not what others say he is. Sustainable farming, eat healthy, limit processed oil intake, reduction of pesticide/herbicide/etc use....these are not crackpot positions, simply threats to the corporate status quo.

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    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to ban drug ads on TV. It wouldn’t be easy - West Hawaii Today
  • Fear mongering. Actually listening to what RFK has to say versus what mass media wants you to think he's about, very quickly leads to agreeing with the guy on roughly 95 percent of topics.

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    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to ban drug ads on TV. It wouldn’t be easy - West Hawaii Today
  • This "broken clock" is right a surprising amount of the time, just don't focus on the occasional statement he makes that the corporate media really, really wants you to focus on, they've deployed the crackpot strategy on a guy who really just wants you to eat healthy and make your own choices about your health.
