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[Hyprland] Vibrant Green Nix Flake
  • I love how unique it looks (although it would probably be somewhat impractical to me due to the transparency). The images need to be a bit bigger though, not much is visible.

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    [Cinnamon] Available as installable ISO
  • Nothing wrong with Cinnamon per se, I was just using it back in 2012 or so. It was much more frustrating to use FOSS back then and some of the bitterness has stayed with me I guess. The same is true for Mate...

  • Gnome is amazing sometimes




    Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit (1967)
  • A combination of these as well as cultural trends. Most of our behavior is dictated by the social norms we encounter daily, it makes sense that the same holds true for the way we sound.

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    What sci-fi would you recommend next?
  • I read Solaris recently and was genuinely blown away. Anything from Ursala le Guin is also an excellent choice although I would suggest "the Dispossessed".

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    Google engineers want to introduce DRMs for web pages, making ad-blocking near-impossible in the browser
  • The EU is rapidly becoming a neoliberal hellehole resembling the US. I no longer have any hope for existing institutions resisting corporate encroachment. Best that can be done is the support of initiatives like the fediverse and foss in general but if the current trend continues even that is in a precarious position.

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    Facebook's Threads is so depressing
  • The thing with anything these corpos are doing is that it suddenly becomes a cultural trend for the next week or so, and every techbro and marketbro talks about it all the time. I have been trying to distance myself from this bullshit for a while now but it I find it impossible to do so. Even here we constantly talk about these idiots. No matter how much we make jokes out of them, simply coming in contact with the shit these billionaires have in their heads is indeed depressing. These people are the ruling class of the entire humanity and the best they can do for culture is idiotic social media platforms and ads.

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    The world’s largest democracy is collapsing before our eyes
  • Haha true that. This was inevitable btw, the further capitalism develops the more its will absorb everything. Religion is done for, community is done for, bourgie democracy is dying, next come nationality I guess, the environment is already compromised. It truly is a vampiric black hole.
