Yes, but the issues facing many countries with declining populations is the extreme lack of free time outside of work to actually pursue relationships and other forms of self-realization.
I am not stating that maternity benefits shouldn't be done, I'm saying that maternity benefits are not going to increase countries' declining populations. The issue is not just with taking care of the child, it's with everything before and after as well, and maternity benefits only impacts the portion during child rearing.
It doesn't really matter what incentives you give for maternity leave if people do not feel that childhood and adult life are worthwhile experiences.
How much better at swimming are you than your peers?
This meme is from ages ago innit? I think I saw this shit in 2008. And yet, no jpg.
This could've been a Shadow the Hedgehog meme. Could've been.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Woops, you right. Didn't read carefully enough. I'll add the answer in an edit.
They jam the acorn in hard enough that you have to break the acorn to get it out. If they put it in too small a hole, though, it breaks and rots. Too big a hole and they get taken.
EDIT: clearly didn't read closely enough. PBS says that woodpecker families run security on their stashes. So they basically just attack anybody who tries stealing. So I guess the ID tech is 'eyes'.
Are those astronauts back on earth yet? No? Still stranded on the ISS? Okay...
Recommendations: if you have any technical aptitude, get a vice, pliers, wirecutters, nylon cord, and several yards of fastener wire from a local hardware store. That can solve a very large number of minor accessory problems with ingenuity. Old-school prototyping can ween you Off buying smaller "specialized" products.
Couldn't boycott it for the moral reasons? Like, are you saying you'd still support the height of shitty companies destroying their industries if they just had good UI and better deals?
CTH was not very moderative of leftist hot takes. One of the things that probably contributed to their ban was that they regularly brigaded other subreddits (this was a common complaint throughout Reddit when I used it), and they regularly left calls for violence up such as "Guillotine Biden Now". They were also accused of ban evasion and other minor things.
EDIT: As another vector of this, there were similar accusations leveled at CTH as hexbear and Lemmy grad, where users claimed being banned for not buying more extreme views.
I stand corrected. Comment edited.
I think is expired, so hexbear straight up isn't an option atm.
EDIT: it's back up, as cm0002 pointed out.
Sure, he's a scumbag. His math makes sense here, though. You can be right sometimes.
Rep. David Schweikert gave a speech on the floor in the beginning of february regarding the federal debt. He pointed out that 52 billion in spending cuts only covers about a week of the borrowing we're planning to do for the budget.
All these cuts to critical infrastructure and we're only shaving off the very tip of our federal debt, while adding a mountain more of it.
Oh it's worse than that.
This is maybe not well known outside the US - the US Constitution specifically carves out an exception in the 13th amendment - the amendment which made slavery illegal* in the US - which allows convicted criminals to be used as slaves.
We also have in our fifth amendment that anyone can be deprived of their right to life, liberty or property via the due process of the law.
So, via these two aspects of these amendments, you can technically be deprived of any rights you might hold once you are convicted of a crime and placed in prison. Of course, that is not exactly true. You do still have rights and many lawyers make it their livelihoods to try to secure prisoners their rights. At the same time, though, it's really not much consolation, since we still absolutely do use prisoners as slave labor, and constantly overlook the unjust abuse and killing of prisoners.
While Illegal on paper, slavery was still carried out for a century after. Emancipation happened in 1863, 13th amendment in 1865, but there were still cases of privately owned slaves as recently as 1963
Kowalski, Analysis!
The actual containment methods are programming a script to do the calculations. Some calculations take thousands of smaller steps that you would lose your mind doing. Finite Element Analysis comes to mind. The number of nodes one might use for FEA today would make doing the calculations by hand mind numbing.