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Teachers in England will have to tell parents if children question their gender
  • Words form sentences form paragraphs. You need to be able to hold more than one thought in your head to be able to comprehend an argument. You should try it.

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    Teachers in England will have to tell parents if children question their gender
  • If your reading comprehension is really that bad, it might explain the low quality of your opinions. You should probably try working on it instead of embarrassing yourself in public.

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    Teachers in England will have to tell parents if children question their gender
  • The kinds of things that some parents bully, punish, disown and/or murder their children for should very much be hidden from them if the child chooses to hide it. It's no one else's business and, if the child has not yet told them themselves, breaking their confidence is an attempt to ruin their life and quite possibly end it.

    This is stochastic terrorism from this fascist government, desperate for any distraction at all from their kleptocratic ways.

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    ‘Where is the money?’ US workers left unpaid after federal contractor wage theft
  • Lots of lovely laws, none of them enforced. Liberals* are really very bad** at this game.

    *in the political science meaning of the word, not the US colloquial meaning

    **or good, depending on your perspective and/or the sincerity of their declared intent

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    What are tankies? What does sea-lioning mean?
  • applied by centre left and liberals

    It's a term that originates with the left. Specifically, those who broke with the USSR over imperialist invasions, referring to those who did not. More broadly, it refers to the authoritarian left (as opposed to the anarchist left).

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    Deleting your Threads profile will also kill your Instagram account
  • They probably will realise that 10 million is less than 1% of 1.6bn and that they can safely ignore people making shit up.

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    Deleting your Threads profile will also kill your Instagram account
  • That's not true. Instagram has 1.6bn users and all can use their Instagram logins to sign in to Threads. The roughly 1% who have signed up already have chosen to activate Threads, it's not done automatically.

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    Outlook suddenly started opening links in Edge, disregarding my default browser settings
  • Thanks for this. Turns out they also made it hard to make anything other than Edge your default browser (you have to set it separately for each file extension). How to fix that here:

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    Olive exploring where she shouldn't
  • You don't know what clutter is but you do have a very cool rabbit.

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    OotL: What happened with Elon Musk? And Twitter?
  • He mocked a disabled former Twitter employee, Haraldur Thorleifsson, who has muscular dystrophy and uses a wheelchair, in a series of tweets on March 7, 2023 Thorleifsson had tweeted at Musk to ask if he was still employed at Twitter, after he lost access to his work computer along with 200 others. Musk accused him of doing no actual work, claiming a disability that prevented him from typing, and seeking a big payout 2 He also posted emojis and a link to a scene from Office Space to ridicule him.

    Just to add to this, Thorleifsson had sold his company to Twitter but taken the payout as a salaried job so that he paid full taxes on it. The big payout if Musk sacked him was part of the deal to buy the company. Musk is willfully ignorant for every possible meaning of the term.

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    "Tipflation" may be causing tipping backlash as more digital prompts ask for tips
  • That's not true in the US. They have a tipped minimum wage; there, if you're not tipping you're stealing someone's labour.

    It is a sucky system, as the buried lede in that article shows:

    However, data from the very checkout system that prompted tipping revealed disparities in pay. Neitzel noticed that Black employees were earning less tips than their White counterparts.

    But, until it is burned to the ground, that is the system and (in the US) you should not use it to exploit people.

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    Why is there such a big thing about prescription opioids when the addiction rate in less than 1% for those who have been prescribed for pain?
  • Your 1% figure comes from misrepresentation of a 'study', pushed by Purdue and others for criminal gain.

    The One-Paragraph Letter From 1980 That Fueled the Opioid Crisis

    Purdue Pharma, which makes OxyContin, starting using the letter’s data to say that less than one percent of patients treated with opioids became addicted. Pain specialists routinely cited it in their lectures. Porter and Jick’s letter is not the only study whose findings on opioid addiction became taken out of context, but it was one of the most prominent. Jick recently told the AP, “I’m essentially mortified that that letter to the editor was used as an excuse to do what these drug companies did.”

    Don't get me wrong, pain is miserable and treatment needs to be better. But around 80% of opioid addictions start with prescriptions for people in genuine pain. What percentage of prescriptees that is, I don't know. But it's not a trivial issue, and it is a very difficult problem to solve.
