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As will continue to happen time and time again, these slaughters employed the assistance of Nazis and Nazi adjacents. Most of the people killed were merely Union members fighting for worker protections.

The USA backed technique of utilizing right wingers to coup and slaughter leftists came to be known as The Jakarta Method and is still employed to this day. The recent coup of Bolivia in 2019 was led by a millionaire neo-nazi by the name of Luis Fernando Camacho. Senator Áñez was put into power and immediately gave the military carte blanche to go door to door attacking Bolivian natives and leftists.



When "Tankies" say anti-communism means Fascism, this what they are talking about. The history of Anti-Communism is the slaughter of millions (often indigenous people fighting colonialism) who were simply organizing to not be treated like slaves.

These excerpts are from the book The Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins

Good Morning! Hope everyone has their checklist for the day!
  • I think Kwame Ture put it best.

    Dr. King's policy was that nonviolence would achieve the gains for black people in the United States. His major assumption was that if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. That's very good. He only made one fallacious assumption: In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.

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    Good Morning! Hope everyone has their checklist for the day!
  • Cops'll shoot ya either way depending on your skin color and where you are. Might as well make it worth it.

  • cross-posted from:

    > !adventure-time Fionna and Cake is the Cake's meow.


    I want to change things from the inside!

    Not gay as in happy
  • That"s the power of anti-cop energy.

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    What can we do to re-shape society for the better?
  • According to Walter Scheidel's The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century, the answer is revolutionary violence.

    It's a fascinating read. I very much recommend the chapter covering the Black Plague. Seems rather relevant nowadays.

    Employers lost no time pressuring the authorities to curb the rising cost of labor. Less than a year after the arrival of the Black Death in England, in June 1349, the crown passed the Ordinance of Laborers:

    Since a great part of the population, and especially workers and employees (“servants”), has now died in this pestilence many people, observing the needs of masters and the shortage of employees, are refusing to work unless they are paid an excessive salary. . . . We have ordained that every man or woman in our realm of England, whether free or unfree, who is physically fit and below the age of sixty, not living by trade and exercising a particular craft, and not having private means of land of their own upon which they need to work, and not working for someone else, shall, if offered employment consonant with their status, be obliged to accept the employment offered, and they should be paid only the fees, liveries, payments or salaries which were usually paid in the part of the country where they are working in the twentieth year of our reign [1346] or in some other appropriate year five or six years ago. . . . No one should pay or promise wages, liveries, payments or salaries greater than those defined above under pain of paying twice whatever he paid or promised to anyone who feels himself harmed by it. . . . Artisans and labourers ought not to receive for their labour and craft more money than they could have expected to receive in the said twentieth year or other appropriate year, in the place where they happen to be working; and if anyone takes more, let him be committed to gaol.

    The actual effect of these ordinances appears to have been modest. Just two years later, another decree, the Statute of Labourers of 1351, complained that said employees, having no regard to the said ordinance but rather to their own ease and exceptional greed, withdraw themselves to work for great men and others, unless they are paid livery and wages double or treble what they were accustomed to receive in the said twentieth year and earlier, to the great damage of the great men and the impoverishing of all the Commons and sought to remedy this failure with ever more detailed restrictions and penalties. Within a generation, however, these measures had failed.

    NoBoDy WanTs tO WoRk!!! lol.

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    Malm posting on this blessed day.
  • Me too! I'm more than just a snacc, damnit! I'm a whole meal!

  • cross-posted from:

    > I'd been looking for this quote! > > >I will say that it should never be easy for them to destroy us. If you start with Malcolm X and count all of the brothers who have died or been captured since, you will find that not even one of them was really prepared for a fight. No imagination or fighting style was evident in any one of the incidents. But each one that died professed to know the nature of our enemies. It should never be so easy for them. Do you understand what I'm saying? Edward V. Hanrahan, Illinois State Attorney General, sent fifteen pigs to raid the Panther headquarters and murder Hampton and Clark. Do you have any idea what would have happened to those fifteen pigs if they had run into as many Viet Cong as there were Panthers in that building. The VC are all little people with less general education than we have. The argument that they have been doing it longer has no validity at all, because they were doing it just as well when they started as they are now. It's very contradictory for a man to teach about the murder in corporate capitalism, to isolate and expose the murderes behind it, to instruct that these madmen are completely without stops, are licentious, totally depraved — and then not make adquate preparations to defend himself from the madman's attack. Either they don't really believe their own spiel or they harbor some sort of subconscious death wish. > > >


    I'd been looking for this quote!

    >I will say that it should never be easy for them to destroy us. If you start with Malcolm X and count all of the brothers who have died or been captured since, you will find that not even one of them was really prepared for a fight. No imagination or fighting style was evident in any one of the incidents. But each one that died professed to know the nature of our enemies. It should never be so easy for them. Do you understand what I'm saying? Edward V. Hanrahan, Illinois State Attorney General, sent fifteen pigs to raid the Panther headquarters and murder Hampton and Clark. Do you have any idea what would have happened to those fifteen pigs if they had run into as many Viet Cong as there were Panthers in that building. The VC are all little people with less general education than we have. The argument that they have been doing it longer has no validity at all, because they were doing it just as well when they started as they are now. It's very contradictory for a man to teach about the murder in corporate capitalism, to isolate and expose the murderes behind it, to instruct that these madmen are completely without stops, are licentious, totally depraved — and then not make adquate preparations to defend himself from the madman's attack. Either they don't really believe their own spiel or they harbor some sort of subconscious death wish.

    Well that's a hell of an act. What do you call it?
  • I know, I know. Mine never get added tho. deeper-sadness

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    Well that's a hell of an act. What do you call it?
  • There are many, many more. I just grabbed a selection from The Jakarta Method's map when I realized this was the perfect meme format for a conversation I was having.

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    Well that's a hell of an act. What do you call it?
  • I'm embarrassed to say that hexbear doesn't have a Parenti-shining emoji. My apologies.

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    My latest astrophotography shot above Mt Adams in Washington
  • I was hoping to get some more shots on my trip but I had to leave early due to wolves crowding entirely too close (within 50 yards and less than 10 when I hopped into my car) while I was taking my shots.

    Nice shot! That must've been wild! I tried my hand at Astrophotography for the first time last year at Kissimmee Prairie Preserve and had to finally call it quits when some very loud snorts and squeals started circling around my spot. It was a long run back to the campground.🤣

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    Biden calls China a 'ticking time bomb' due to economic troubles
  • By my estimates, China has only 70 more years until complete and utter collapse!

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    Car VIN decoder
  • I used a bunch of "free" ones for my last vehicle hunt to get an idea. They won't cover everything on their own, but together you might piece together a good idea of what you're looking at.
