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S&P 500 is 'bizarrely overvalued' and could crash 49% as recession sets in, elite strategist says
  • Dollar cost averaging, as in contribute regularly, you’ll buy when things cost less you’ll buy when things cost more it won’t matter over time.

    Just keep contributing and the numbers will go up over time.

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    To all the ex-theists in this community. What drove you to leave your religion?
  • Hypocrisy, all the fricking hypocrisy.

    My uncle runs a Christian Megachirch and he is the worst family member I’ve ever met, narcissistic, selfish and generally concerned mostly about money. I left for college, left all the religion behind and never looked back.

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    What are you all enjoying?
  • I spaced out that there was a second season of Wha If.. released, I’m really digging the vibe on it this year, some great episodes in there!

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    Why China poses a growing threat to the U.S. auto industry
  • Feels a lot like the Japanese Compact car invasion after the Oil Embargo of the 70's. They came in and wiped the floor with the lazy, large, more expensive gas guzzlers that the US automakers were cranking out. Changed the whole game..

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    Covid: It's That Bad
  • I caught it for the first time a few months ago, relatively fit/healthy guy and it gave me the whammy for a full week (I could barely move, didn't want to eat at all, sweats, dizziness) I've never felt that bad in my life. Thankfully, no long covid here, aside from randomly coughing to clear up something left in my lungs once a day, but it put a 2-3 week sized hole in my life, it can show up with a vengeance, no joke.

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    Conservatives can't handle The Satanic Temple's harmless display in Iowa's Capitol
  • “It is more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.”

    I don’t know, seems vague…

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    Conservatives can't handle The Satanic Temple's harmless display in Iowa's Capitol
  • “It is more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, than a camel, to pass through the eye of a needle.”

    I don’t know, seems vague…

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    Majora's Mask on a Bambu Labs X1C
  • Prusa Slicer does have a "Purge to Infill" option that removes a lot of this waste. Unfortunately, Bambu printers are infamous for their poop problems..
