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Is TikTok breaking young voters’ brains?
  • You are making assumptions about what I am saying again. I am not advocating for more TikTok usage. At no point did I say anything positive about TikTok. What I am advocating for is people reaching a certain threshold of evidence before going around stating things as fact.

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    Is TikTok breaking young voters’ brains?
  • No, you did not get that right. I’m saying there is a small body of evidence that may or may not indicate some detrimental effects and that we should conduct further research before jumping to conclusions. The claim that TikTok is rotting people’s brains is, as far as I can tell, unfounded. A claim being unfounded doesn’t strictly mean it is untrue, but it does mean there isn’t any real reason to be making the claim in the first place.

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    Is TikTok breaking young voters’ brains?
  • The first one is one that I didn’t find in my own time. It correlates heavy usage of TikTok with a decreased ability to block one’s own distracting thoughts. Certainly interesting, and worth further study, but the authors appear to have equated that correlation with a causal effect. They did not satisfactorily delineate between someone who has a poor attention span and is attracted to TikTok because of it and someone with a poor attention span caused by TikTok.

    The second and third studies I have already addressed in my other comments. The second study being the Chinese one that demonstrated a correlation between heavy TikTok usage and memory loss, anxiety, stress, depression, etc. Again, important findings, but crucially not causal. The third is the meta analysis that refused to make a statements regarding detrimental effects of TikTok usage.

    The fourth isn’t a study, it’s an article. This article does link to several studies, however the only one the directly mentions TikTok is, again, that same study of roughly 3,000 Chinese students. The rest of the studies mentioned are targeting social media use in general.

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    Is TikTok breaking young voters’ brains?
  • Which neuroscientists are saying that? All the articles I’ve found referring to “TikTok Brain” quote one Dr. Patrick Porter. And I have become quite wary of trusting one man’s word, even that of a professional, since the whole vaccines cause autism thing.

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    Is TikTok breaking young voters’ brains?
  • You have linked a term paper, one study, and two articles. The study is a meta analysis that refuses to comment on the detrimental effects of TikTok usage due to a lack of research in the field in general. One article is about social media use in general and does not directly link to any scholarly works. The other does directly target TikTok and links to a study on Chinese students. There, TikTok Use Disorder was positively correlated with memory loss, anxiety, stress, and depression. Unfortunately my understanding of statistical analysis is not strong enough to judge the quality of the study, but to my limited knowledge it seems robust for its purposes. That being said, positive correlation does not necessarily prove causation. Notably, this study was a one time questionnaire. Meaning there isn’t any mechanism to determine the effects of high TikTok usage over time.

    All this is to say that the field is deeply understudied, and that there aren’t any reliable conclusions that can be drawn yet. It may be that there are adverse effects, but that has yet to be proven.

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    Is TikTok breaking young voters’ brains?
  • Do you know how many times I’ve heard the “designed to exploit the dopamine pathways” line? You know how much proof I’ve seen for that? Zilch, nada, nothing. Not a single source is ever provided to back that claim. Does that automatically mean it’s a false claim? No, but it’s definitely suspicious. From my limited time looking into it for myself all I can see is that TikTok does, in fact, produce a dopamine response. That’s it. None of the (very few, this is an under-researched subject) studies I have found even differentiate it from other sources of dopamine. Hell, one of the articles I saw used the amount of time a fucking hashtag stays on the trending list as an indicator of the degradation of attention spans. I trust I don’t have to explain how those two are only superficially linked.

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    BIP BIP mf !
  • But only if you have a microwave with sensor cook. If it asks you to put in the weight just follow the directions on the bag.

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    Kick Some Ass!
  • It's Starship Troopers. A sci-fi novel that was later adapted into a movie series. Notably the first movie is a parody of the hyper-militaristic, borderline fascist undertones of American style democracy. The book, on the other hand, was popular in the 1960s.

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    Masturbation abstinence is popular online. Doctors and therapists are worried
  • I know it's a long article guys, but it worth your time. This summary is a mess and completely removes crucial details, including all the quotes the summary alludes to. If you've got 30 minutes and are genuinely interested give it a read or a listen.

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    Nintendo has filed a patent for ‘smart fluid’ joysticks, perhaps to eliminate drift | VGC
  • A company already makes hall effect joysticks that are JoyCon sized and they claim to hold a patent for them. I haven’t taken the time to verify, but even if they don’t have a leg to stand on they could still take Nintendo to court.

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    Nintendo has filed a patent for ‘smart fluid’ joysticks, perhaps to eliminate drift | VGC
  • Using the larger, potentially more durable, joysticks would mean a larger potentially less portable Switch. Given that portability is the core feature of the Switch I can understand Nintendo's reluctance to implement them. Especially when other companies are experiencing similar issues with their sticks. In my opinion a novel approach is the way to go here. Hall effect is nice, but it is costly and could potentially present some legal challenges at the moment.

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    Nintendo has filed a patent for ‘smart fluid’ joysticks, perhaps to eliminate drift | VGC
  • I've encountered two noticeable issues while using these. The first is probably just shit tier QA, but the second could be that or a design flaw. I haven't taken the time to tear one apart and reverse engineer it, so I can't say for sure what the cause is. Anywho, about a third of my sticks will wig out and send complete garbage data when they are pushed to their maximum on one axis. Sometimes it is the X, sometimes it is the Y. Either way it makes the impossible to use and I actually did remove those and replace them. Of the remaining sticks a number of them will depress the under stick button if pushed all the way in one direction. It's pretty easy to avoid this and it rarely matters so these ones I left alone and didn't bother to count how many displayed the behavior.

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    Nintendo has filed a patent for ‘smart fluid’ joysticks, perhaps to eliminate drift | VGC
  • They probably don't want to use that particular design anyway. I've run into a good number of headaches with those joysticks. Not bad enough for me to pull them back out, but certainly enough to be annoying.

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    Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance
  • Power generation and power use need to be synchronous. Renewables generate power at rates outside of our control. In order to smooth out that generation and bring a level of control back to power distribution we would need a place to store all the energy. Our current methods are not dense enough and are extremely disruptive/damaging to the environment. Nuclear gives us a steady and predictable base level of generation that we can control. Which would make it so we don’t need to pump vast quantities of water into massive manmade reservoirs or build obnoxiously large batteries.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • On my PC I have 8TBs split across various SSDs (both NVMe and SATA). All of them have games folders. My Switch has 64GB of internal storage and a 512GB microSD card, though I do have a 1TB card ready to go. Just haven't taken the afternoon to pop it in and redownload my games yet. My PS4 is sitting stock with it's 500GB internal drive. My Wii U has a 2TB external HDD hooked up to it (I was very optimistic about its potential library). The PC has over 2TB of just games on it. To be frank, it could very easily have a full TB more. But I don't feel like hunting down all the various launchers' folders at the moment. Honestly this is largely data hoarding. I only play a few of the games regularly. I keep telling myself I'll get to dealing with my backlog eventually, but I never seem to find the time for it. The Switch is nearly full, I could fit maybe two more retail games on it. Mercifully Switch games are still pretty small as a rule, I have a library of about 80 games installed on it. Once again this is a case of data hoarding. The majority of the games are ones I have either beaten or played my fill of. I just keep them installed for no particular reason. The PS4 stores more dust than games nowadays, but if I recall I had five games downloaded and they used up somewhere between 300 and 400GB. I've honestly considered selling the thing, but I can't imagine anyone wanting to buy it given its condition. The Wii U, as you might imagine, has vast quantities of space available. Still, I somehow managed to use up a bit over 100GB on the external drive. The largest game I have installed on it is Breath of the Wild at 19GB.

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    It’s time for Americans to embrace small cars
  • For sure, I'm not saying we have to entirely ban cars. And small cars are much better than large cars. But neither should be everyone's first thought for "how do I get around town?"
