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Truly a bittersweet moment
  • Most of us don’t get summers off 😔

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    You don't have to use gyroelongation
  • I just read that very slowly twice and I still don’t know either lol

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    Horse no longer exists. Only AT-AT.
  • Hands off my drip bro!

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  • I was having a debate I didn’t know I was having with a flat earth guy at a Christmas party last year lol. He was asking me questions and I didn’t get why but were basic science so I was answering and then suddenly clicked when he started making remarks about how we only see one side of the moon. I still don’t get where he was going because I laughed it off and went about my business but he seemed to think that “they” were projecting a picture of the moon I guess? Or maybe the sky is a giant screen? I don’t know , it was just funny that it happened but I do wonder how you could think something like that but not think that ‘they’ would have that kind of technology and capabilities but not be able to project a different side or picture of the moon if that’s all it would take to debunk peoples claims of the moon being fake.

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    Windows Rulecall
  • Yeah I’ve been using Bazzite which has been the most idiot-proof distro I’ve been able to find. It does work great overall but there are of course a handful of easy anti cheat games that gum things up and a few games that I play most that simply doesn’t get the same performance (unfortunately). GranBlue Fantasy Relink for example runs at the 120 cap in just about every quest with a few dips in the town hub but through proton drops to 40fps when all gears are flying and stutters wildly without warning. Ghost of Tsushima which I’ve been grinding it solid overall but does give me some weird physics things flashing in my eyes here and there (enough to put up with though if I didn’t have other options). Overall I do love it and boot into Linux as long as I know that I’m going to be playing a game that doesn’t have issues or just plan on web browsing, I just can’t quite let go of stupid windows.

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    Windows Rulecall
  • Gross, I got my pc setup for dualboot with Linux. Maybe one day soon I’ll be brave enough to delete windows all together. If I didnt play so many video games I wouldn’t have anything to worry about 😅

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    Do you guys/gals think it's funny how many people talk big in the game chat but complain about 90+ gram gaming mice?
  • Yeah that’s the reason I only play PvE these days but even then there’s a weird amount of people who jump in yelling at their teammates and criticizing people’s builds and play styles. I disable mic chat but I do leave the text chat on and see those messages.

  • It could just he me but I feel that people can only blame their gear so long before they should admit that they’re getting outplayed. At the same time, it’s strange how those some people will scream their chest out or slam on those keys to rage out on everyone else like they’re big and tough.

    Debt rule
  • This meme created by a gambler*

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  • They have too but this was around 07, maybe earlier. 07 is when I lived with my friends that played that game.

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    Look up "Microsoft Recall" rule
  • I wouldn’t say evil, just another capitalist company. It’s the norm unfortunately.

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    Happens once per thread
  • That’s the internet as a whole sadly

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    Button Rule
  • Nah, I feel like whoever would make that offer would have something much shadier in mind

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    Elders [Alex Krokus]
  • Ooooh okay, I see what you did there

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    Elders [Alex Krokus]
  • My wife’s 10-15? Year old laptop came in clutch last year. I had a guitar-Bluetooth pedal that needed a firmware update and the software wouldn’t run on anything but windows 7 lol

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    Paying for advertising
  • I used to say this a cynical teen lol I still believe it, just don’t care to talk about it anymore

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    Sony Pictures Explained
  • Ah, like when morbious became a big success after they brought it back to cinemas 🤔😆

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    me btw rule
  • Monster Hunter * but same

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    Lazy Duck
  • Dang I for real just saw this meme moments after trying to do a search and resorting to bing

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  • You guys must be too young to remember the Oblivion Horse DLC. Bethesda’s one of the earliest culprits

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    Not cool
  • Are we talking Kraft or velveeta/shell? If it’s shell then I’m on your side
