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Bernie Sanders goes mask off and advocates for genocide
  • Yeaa figures. Parenti talked abt how Bernie's "bombing Yugoslavia is lit" stance back then marked the end of their friendship.

    Events like these, where everyone with a clear mind can clearly observe the absolute abomination that is the liberal worldview, seem to be occuring regurarly enough to radicalize entire generations of ppl. Bastards like Bernie will die out one way or another.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeahh, tru. And I wholeheartedly agree with u there. It would be very welcoming to see less US dick sucking. Especially when looking at the old Slovak- or as u said, europe's governments.

    As maybe a tiny shimmer of hope though: In Austria, Graz, the Communist party "KJÖ" actually won the election last year. They're doing pretty well there apparently. In Vienna not so much, tho I'm nevertheless hopeful. Still, them winning the election for government fr won't ever happen.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I rly wouldn't be too optimistic.. His views got nothing to do with communism and he already was in cabinet like 3 times. I wouldn't be surprised if he never followed through with these promises. Maybe he'll go the Orbán route? Fico prolly won't be worse than Matovič tho. But who knows.. This is liberal politics at its finest after all.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I personally believe it was and still is a totally valid strategy of China to use Capitalism as a means to bring about prosperity to its people, for it is impossible and irresponsible to build Socialism on poverty.

    The strategy Mao implemented was formulated with the, at the time, current material conditions kept in mind. Deng did exactly the same for his time. "A very poor population, the lack of an industrial base and the lack of a large urban population" were the driving forces behind the "Reform and Opening Up" policy. These conditions were brought about by the policies made by Mao. That doesn't mean Mao's policies were 'bad': the average life expectency went up from 35 in the 1950s to 70 in the late 70s. But the average citizen still lived on less than 1$ a day.

    ^This is taken from Prolewiki's Deng Xiaoping article

    So reforms are undertaken by attempting to improve certain aspects, but will inevitably have contradictions accompanying them, which the next reform will address in turn. And such is China's approach. Capitalism brought about fast industrialization which lead to wealth, but has also brought about pollution issues amongst others, which China is addressing now (reduction of reliance on coal, banning it in Beijing altogether, tho not completely eliminated, massive reforestation projects and becoming the global leader in green-technology)

    ^This is taken from "The Long Game and Its Contradictions" a generally great article imo.

    What I don't know at all is if there was anything like a rivalry between Deng and Mao? I ran out of time so if anyone can shed light on that i'd be happy. Nevertheless I'm certain Mao would have been happy with the results of Deng's reforms.

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    My WORST Tech Purchases
  • Totally! A few years ago I ate all this garbage up like it was nothing. I loved watching his videos and often found myself being hyped over some new product just after watching his videos, it was fckn crazy. It's disgusting and soulless and everything's just so flashy, exciting and funny in his vids. Look, I bought even more metric tons of stuff I won't ever need, do the same! 16.1 million ppl seem to like that.. Of course there's even more content creators like him, which makes this even more sad, but I also feel like he's the flashiest and most significant one, for me it felt so at least.

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    I found the counter China spell for the first time in fediverse
  • Def this T-34. I'm just drawn to it.

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    I found the counter China spell for the first time in fediverse
  • Fear? My dear comrade, just imagine how much quicker we could bring about communism if we were all just a bunch of literal tanks. The liberals are unknowingly digging their own graves.

    Now, which tank to do u think u'll be?

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    English town says deeply shameful tradition is worth saving actually
  • I was thinking about this video for some time now. Wonderful, old, quaint custom my ass. I'm sure all those collected pennies add up to a decent sum of money, couldn't that be used for idk at least feeding the homeless or smth? Also what's that mayor even wearing? The brits really went ahead and saved every deeply shameful tradition they ever had.

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    Debunking the anarchist myth that The Red Army "stabbed the Makhnovists in the back"
  • Thanks for this post. Always wanted to understand what was rly going on between the Anarchists and Bolsheviks. At first I was actually heavily sympathetic towards them as I didn't grasp just how much of a significant difference there is, and I simply considered them 'slightly confused allies' or so. Never got around to read anything on the matter though, as there's enough books I gotta read first. Looking forward to the next post.
