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Said nobody ever
  • There was an askreddit thread as recently as yesterday where OP asked atheists why they didn't believe. Somebody tried to explain about the null hypothesis and Russel's teapot, and people were literally trying to use quotes from the Bible and Quran as counter arguments.

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    New gender gap
  • I'm a white man. The kind of people who are represented by the downward arrows. My point is that the arrows are going that way because of attitudes like those in the comment above. We used to vote for the socialist parties when it was the working class against the capital. Now it's white men who are declared the enemy by those parties, because of gender and skin, aspects which are impossible to change.

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    New gender gap
  • No, I'm not. Regardless, my point is that that list is making requirements on some men to be what they don't want to be, to not be considered the enemy of the new left. Sure, some men would love to be allowed to wear pink, but some of us would hate to have to wear it. When you present the pink-wearing, baking, doll playing man as the one you welcome on your political "side", you're telling every man who doesn't conform to that, that they're not welcome. So they join the right, despite it being full of nazis. We don't want to join the nazi side, but unlike you they don't hate us for who we are.

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    New gender gap
  • Yeah, fuck men who want to wear blue and play with cars. Being a man isn't allowed. Unless you accept feminization, you're the enemy. No wonder men choose to vote for the bad guys, when the "good" side demand that they play a role as weak.

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    Android now lets you transfer eSIMs between your phones
  • Lol did you even read the article

    Yes. This whole sub-thread is about when your old phone is broken. You're not being trolled, you didn't read properly.

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    Android now lets you transfer eSIMs between your phones
  • No. Once every few years. However, the gap in service is absolute disaster in modern society. Without a phone, you can't use public transport, can't pay for parking, can't get a taxi/uber/competitor, etc. etc.

    Any "progress" that makes the turnaround time longer when your phone breaks is a horrible and unacceptable downside.

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    Android now lets you transfer eSIMs between your phones
  • download it via their app

    On the phone that isn't connecting to the internet, because it doen't have a SIM yet? Or do eSIM phones use free internet before they have an eSIM issued?

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    Android now lets you transfer eSIMs between your phones
  • Literally anything you’d want to do with a physical SIM you can do with an eSIM.

    No. There is no reason for you to blatantly LIE. It is NOT possible for the consumer to switch to using a borrowed or backup handset, when there is no physical token. How on earth do you think that contradicting actual reality is an argument?

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    Android now lets you transfer eSIMs between your phones
  • The fact that carriers have poor security today isn't an argument for discontinuing the part of the system that still allows the consumer to be in control. It's an argument against it.

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    Android now lets you transfer eSIMs between your phones
  • What prevents someone else from doing that at any point, taking over my number? Is the only authentication a simple login to the mobile provider's website?

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    New gender gap
  • Have you considered not being a hateful piece of shit. People like you are why the blue graphs have the direction they have. You would do well to consider whether declaring half the population as evil for no other reason than their gender, can ever lead to a successful result.

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    New gender gap
  • If it had used "Left" it would. The established color of "Liberal" is yellow, and liberals are people who believe society should be run for profit.

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    New gender gap
  • Fuck them for calling the left liberal. Liberals are the people who sell schools, hospitals, and social services to the lowest bidding private enterprise. A solidly right wing ideology that puts profit over people.

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    Android now lets you transfer eSIMs between your phones
  • That's your problem as a consumer accepting that. This thread makes me depressed, with the amount of people happy to allow shitty US consumer hostile practices to become more common globally.

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    Android now lets you transfer eSIMs between your phones
  • Keeping my number. Are you saying that I can immediately, online, get my existing number connected to a different handset? If I can't, then that's why I want to transfer the physical SIM.

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    Android now lets you transfer eSIMs between your phones
  • Exactly. What a shitty anti-feature. Your answer proves that the people saying that "eSIMs are functionally the same as normal SIM" are full of absolute shit.
