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This might not be too far off
  • Who do you think is buying the movie tickets? Is your little cousin gonna smash his piggy bank and pay the $35 ticket with his leftover pennies and nickels?

    It's adults. Adults pay to watch the movies. I'd happily pay to watch Shrek again in theaters.

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    This might not be too far off
  • Remember when JB said, "I blacked out. Did something important happen?" in borderlands.

    Me either, but he did, and we're gonna get that joke again too.

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    I could make a great PC for that...
  • I answered the question pretty straightforward since I thought it was a genuine question. Once I realized he's a troll I gave up on responding to him.

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    Europe saved its predators from the brink of extinction. So why is it killing thousands of bears, wolves and lynx?
  • Likely because it wouldn't be reported to the government as thoroughly as hunting tags are. Politicians tend to be against policies that don't directly give them clout when policies exist that could.

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  • Exactly what I mean. There is zero organizing going on for PSL in this area, so it doesn't feel nearly as important to push for a socialist vote compared to other issues, like ranked choice voting and cannabis legalization.

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  • Yeah, she's been on my radar and I've heard some pretty good ideas and beliefs espoused by her and her running mate. Building leftist movements in a deep-red state is very much a "step lightly" action though, so I have worries that any overt socialist growth here will mean more attempted attacks on pride festivals by neo-nazis, and such. Hell, even mention of "antifa" brings out the crazies to roam the streets with rifles.

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  • This is the #1 reason I have a hard time considering voting for Kamala in a non-swing state. We've got ranked choice voting in the ballot, so I'll definitely be voting, but idk if I'll cast a presidential vote or not.

    I don't endorse her, so why should I vote like it?

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    I could make a great PC for that...
  • I thought you were looking for an honest answer rather than an argument, but I guess that's what I should've expected from a PS fan.

    Yup. I didn't have to buy a motherboard, ram, or CPU because I was able to upgrade my PS4 era PC. Most people don't build a PC from scratch unless they have to.

    $25 for the blue yeti. I use it a few times a month for gaming with friends. Anything more would be a waste.

    The 2 HDDs are for media storage. What's wrong with that?

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    I could make a great PC for that...
  • 8 gigs vram (6600 XT), 1tb m.2 ssd, 2x 3tb hdd, and a blue yeti mic. I've still yet to spend $700, excluding monitors (since ya gotta buy a TV for the PS5 anyways).

    Edit: I gave my answer. Why does me saving money bother you so deeply?

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    I wish we lived in a post-scarcity Star Trek world where there’s no money except there is but not in the Federation except when it IS in the Federation and no one has any needs except when they do.
  • This is why I don't really consider the economics of the federation to be socialist. It's all some vague idealist futuristic economy that lacks any semblance of democracy by only having two representatives per planet, regardless of population size.

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    A.I. Artist
  • Nobody can hold the copyright unless it's deemed to be created by a human. Disney owns the copyright because under US law, corporations are also people, and their employees create the work for Disney.

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    A.I. Artist
  • In the US under federal law only a human being may own copyright over a piece of artwork. Even a monkey that takes its own picture can't legally own the picture, so neither can an AI. The only thing you can own is the access to the artwork.

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    Coming out as trans: Klingon Style
  • Thems the pretty colors, but I ain't see no movin' pitchur!

    (Gifs are such a pain to work with on Lemmy, 480p low bitrate is the only way I can get things to consistently work smoothly on-site. Yesterday's gif could've been 1080p 30 fps, but I could not get it to upload.)

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    Soliciting Feedback for Improvements to the Media Bias Fact Checker Bot
  • While I think it's important to have some sort of media bias understanding, I dislike the bot being the first (and sometimes only) comment on a post. Maybe it should be reserved only for posts that are garnering attention, and has a definitive media bias answer for (the no results comments are just damn annoying to see).

    It also has the knock-on effect of boosting the post higher in whichever sorting algorithm users are using. So it often feels artificially controlled whenever something has 100+ upvotes and less than 10 comments, knowing the first comment is always a bot. Like, would it be fair for me to have 10 bots that comment factual information of posts I personally like, just to boost their visibility?

  • Basically, if all I can read is a headline how can I consider it informative? A news headline has as much evidence as your average Tweet, and can be deeply incorrect through the use of clickbait.

    I do use methods to get around paywalls, but knowing that some/most people won't, it seems counter-informative to solely use the clickbait headline to keep people informed.


    I've been using tags on users who I've interacted with to help me realize if I've interacted with someone before. It would be nice to change the color from green to others, even if it's a prechosen color palette.
