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🤡Blinken🤡 discovers a genocide, just not the one his regime is aiding and abetting, turns out the actual genocide is not in Gaza it's in Xinjiang.
  • I thought this was all basically totally dropped once it was tied back to that guy in that "totally not the CIA" "totally not a cult" "religious group" Falun Gong shit. Pretty sure those weirdos were behind the "very organic" pro-Hong Kong (whatever that even means. Hong Kong is fine) protests becoming big in the US, helping spread anti-Chinese conspiracies around covid, bunch of shit from laughable to actually life threatening

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    What's far scarier for a lib than a republican
  • I call them liberals so much and so instinctively at this point that I legitimately get confused when they get all pissy. We should keep forcing it into common American understanding though.

    The term "conservative" as it's popularly used 1) kinda means nothing (which is perfect for them) so 2) is an ever changing term.

    A conservative in 1970 US politics vs now are very different in their approach and thinking... obviously some stuff remains unchanged, but in the 1960s/70s you could still just be like a Strom Thurmond KKK guy openly denouncing integration and rights for black people while serving in the senate until you're 100 goddamn years old... literally. Richard Nixon signed the EPA into law which today would be off the table even for Obama, I imagine. It would never get to his desk whatever his personal philosophy would be.

    So their ideas and way of speaking changes since their only true ideology is something boiled down to "support 'free markets'" or allow capitalists to exploit labor maximumly and use any wedge issues which are beneficial along the way such as racism, abortion, etc. Maintain US hegemonic dominance around the world through soft and hard power, as required, in service to capital.

    On the other hand, ask a hardcore fascist/Nazi or even KKK guy their thoughts in 1960 or today and it's "we want a separate nation only available for white people..." blah blah blah, all the shit. Their ideology remains the same as always. They believe in racial supremacy of white people, however they break that down, and they want a "pure land" for their chosen race. The more politically savvy ones will swap words around for plausible deniability, but the core ideology is basically the same in the end. They hate communists, they hate non-whites, especially being forced to live around and respect them as humans, they blame all societal ills on non-white minorities and/or non-cis, straight minorities. Same old tale.

    On the left, if you filter out the liberals LARPing (gotta similarly filter the more libbed up conservatives from their Nazi compatriots as well), you'll hear the same arguments that communist-types have had since the 1960s, since the 1920s, and further back. Because it's rooted in an ideology, so specific arguments of the time period change maybe, wording might change, but fundamentals like labor being the source of all value and thus capitalists having no right to the value created by others... remains core and unchanged.

    [this isn't a "give it to the Nazis for ideological purity" argument, btw, to the liberals in my walls. It's about political terminology and ties to strongly held ideology which American "liberals" and "conservatives" both share in common. Just about the only thing Nazis can ever coherently express is their hatred for non-white people. Beyond that, good fucking luck finding any sense in their statements and beliefs]

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    Biden and Trump are the same
  • Correction:

    One is a boring, sleepy genocidal geriatric

    The other is an entertaining genocidal geriatric

    Your move, America!

    Also I like how libs spend their time downvoting memes here. You guys could just go read your hug box "Joe is good!" memes on the entirety of reddit, twitter, or lemmy minus basically two instances.

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    A hilarious cope article from The Hill
  • That seems like the most honest assessment of things. I know I tend towards a Soviet/Cuba bias, but the only possible way to see this as anything other than the US just being gigantic assholes and bullies (which is still an understatement) is if you adopt fully xenophobic, racist, whatever else views of the non-US world. That's why there's sort of two contradictory (but also not really) paths of domestic US propaganda.

    One side focuses on like "we must secure every resource we can and kill everyone who opposes it! 'Might makes right', so let's be mighty!" Hoorah, brother 😎

    And the other path is "we don't like killing people. And yeah, sure, the US has made mistakes. Maybe a lot of mistakes! But we have the right intentions and we must continue to strive towards our stated goals. Anyone who opposes us supports [list of every bad thing that the US probably also does]"

    You let people take the koolaid that tastes better to them, just as long as they support the military when, say, concentration camp victims get sick of the shit and do something about it.

    I guess time will tell, but I do think the amount of people in both groups is dwindling. People are moving further from "hell yeah, fuck around and find out brother" dipshit thinking to "well, we've made mistakes..." and some of those people are moving towards "ok, those weren't mistakes. I was told a lie and willingly believed that my entire life. And now I'm fucking pissed because my government is actually the evil one." I don't want to pretend the furthest group is large, because it's not, but I can see it growing as people are exposed to constant coverage of Palestine. It becomes harder and nearly impossible to think "this is our best ally? We support this without limitation?"

    The issue with a movement towards anti-imperialism, anti-war, anti-supporting wars, etc. is it's very en vogue right now. It's been 23 years since that beautiful September day ( ✈️ 🏙️ ). If there's ever another 9/11 style event, and if one doesn't organically happen I can bet infinite money the CIA is working on something for decades now, Americans are gonna do exactly what "liberal Zionists" in Israel did on 10/7. Like a light switch go from "we can work together!" to "I am so sorry, friend. I must nuke you."

    But anyway, all that to say, people believe the story they want to make themselves feel good. They never ask why Cuba would want missiles or why the Soviets were involved or even what the Soviet Union was. They don't ask any questions at all.

    That's probably the hardest part for me to deal with if I ever discuss these things irl. It's like I can give them an hour long history lesson, and if I'm bothering to do so the person is probably receptive to it, so they go "oh ok." But the next time something happens, perhaps a pipeline is blown up in Europe, "the fucking Russians!" is the immediate response. It's as if all the bad things and lies are in the past and can be seen and acknowledged. The future is just truth and justice and everything good. And the present doesn't exist at all. You close your eyes, and when you open them the future is still bright, and the past of death and lies is longer than ever.

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    A hilarious cope article from The Hill
  • "In 1962, the USSR secretly tried to install nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba. After the U.S. imposed a naval quarantine, it withdrew. Soviet leaders saw the retreat as “bordering on humiliation.” The U.S. won wide praise for deftly managing the crisis."

    Oh, is that what happened, The Hill?

    Because I recall reading/learning that after Castro overthrew the US-favored assclown Batista in a popular revolution, the US via CIA and other secret orgs funded the gathering together of ex-Cuban, now American, counterrevolutionaries, who had fled in the wake of Castro and Che cracking down on those pieces of shit. Eventually this resulted in the somewhat comical Bay of Pigs failed invasion of Cuba by the US- oh I mean by the American ex-Cubans working with CIA money and backing... but not the US official sanctioning. Classic. Btw if the US gov say they'll pay for all your shit but won't go as far as openly claiming you if shit hits the fan you can be sure shit is about to hit the biggest fan and you are about to die.

    Anyway, the US had also conveniently and brazenly placed Jupiter missiles with nuclear payloads inside Turkey within easy striking distance of the Kremlin and Moscow. A massive provocation which the US would never tolerate in a role reversal (proven immediately after!).

    So the Cuba and USSR work out a plan to move nukes, secretly, to Cuba so that the next time the US decides to start fucking around they can lean back and go "oh? What do you think about these big boys?" This effectively gave Cuba full protection from further US invasions because that would result in nuclear missiles landing in the continental US. It also allowed the USSR to be on equal footing again, with a counter to the US's Turkish nukes. Win-win.

    US: "Cuba and USSR consent, yes, but didn't you forget to ask someone else?"

    The United States caught wind of the nukes and, somewhat understandably, but also in a fully hypocritical fashion simultaneously, flipped its fucking shit. They were talking about invading Cuba still anyway and I guess just sort of "tanking" any resulting nuclear fallout to send a message of strength to the Soviets/world (ie that the Americans are fucking insane and willing to die in nuclear apocalypse before allowing Soviet victory. Not the first or last time this happened!). Luckily this all did get resolved basically only because the Soviets finally blinked, probably because they knew the Americans were actually insane enough to die. Of course the promise with Kennedy, before his brains got splattered all over his wife, was that the Soviets openly withdraw their missiles and the US would also withdraw the Jupiter missiles. Pretty sure the latter did not happen... the US got a little distracted, one might say.

    So, the suggestion that the USSR was the aggressor is fucking imperial propaganda. No other term for it. You can argue the Soviets made mistakes, whatever, but to frame them as the ones to cause the crisis is purely and fully a lie. Unless you're into victim blaming (the US is).

    I also don't think the withdrawal of the Soviets, who had gotten concessions from JFK, was seen as embarrassing for the USSR more so like "holy fuck, the US is batshit insane... this is worse than we ever imagined." After the US military and intelligence reaction to events.

    Again, imperial propaganda framing absolute bloodthirst and an objectively insane reaction based on a chain of events begun by an over reaction to the overthrow of a dictator. These right wing warhawk types think that immediately smashing the "withdraw right the fuck now or we will invade you, nukes be damned!" at the first slight reaction to your actions... is good?

    They still act like this btw. Eg the retaliation against "Iranian-backed" MENA region militants recently. The US is doing a fucking genocide in Palestine, bombing Yemen again, and threatening the entire region. Three military die in a place the US never belonged to begin with and immediately everyone with Col or Gen in their name is screaming to the sky about nuking Tehran.

    Dogshit, batshit country

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    This image goes so fucking hard, Feel free to Screenshot
  • Makes sense. I figured it wouldn't be Qing since Mao/the communists broadly (and the nationalists like Kai-Shek for a time) were known for opposing and defeating the resulting warlords after the fall of the Qing.

    I suppose it could just represent Mao, who stood for the incredibly poor peasant class, holding down the remaining and emergent (during the warlord period) wealthy or bourgeoisie. Forcing them to kneel in shame or something like that. The figure also appears ghostly or ethereal. Maybe like he's resting his hand upon a now-dead ruling class. Lenin is sitting on the (I think) Tsarist statue head in a similar symbolic depiction.

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    This image goes so fucking hard, Feel free to Screenshot
  • Trotsky on the ground made me laugh a little. I assume this was done by a Stalin-era Soviet artist? Also who is the person Mao has his hand on? Chiang Kai-Shek? A peasant? A former warlord or fallen communist leader?

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    Anti-Communists and Anti-Tankies aren't against colonialism nor imperialism, they are actually against socialism and communism
  • If I put the cheese out too obviously the mouse will know what I am doing

    But if I eat some cheese in the corner and, "oppsie" drop a small piece in a sticky trap area... I might just awaken to an angry mouse chirping at me.

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    Anti-Communists and Anti-Tankies aren't against colonialism nor imperialism, they are actually against socialism and communism
  • You still haven't given an example of wtf you're talking about.

    Who the fuck are these mysterious (assumedly) pro-Stalin, pro-USSR, etc. "tankies" who ALSO are pro-USA/pro-capitalism?

    Just give a name! Find a person in history or today and type their name into your text box and hit send. Is this asking a lot?

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    Anti-Communists and Anti-Tankies aren't against colonialism nor imperialism, they are actually against socialism and communism
  • If they use it to mean "person who doesn't get bogged down in stupid details over the USSR (or China) just for the sake of hating a communist country" then fine. I don't care. It just gets old seeing it used as "person left of me, which means they're bad" by the most historically illiterate motherfuckers on the planet. The kind of fuckers who say they want socialism and then cry every time someone protests in a street. Do you see what I mean? It's not the word, I don't care in the end. I get like a death threat per day from random Nazis who (ironically) call me antisemitic for criticizing Israel. I'll take tankie over that, given the choice. But it's worth acknowledging the people calling me or us or whoever "tankie" are absolutely just the dumbest fuckers online. That's all.

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    Anti-Communists and Anti-Tankies aren't against colonialism nor imperialism, they are actually against socialism and communism
  • Bro, wtf is a tankie if not a communist? You're just out here making up bullshit. I want a definition!

    I've been led to believe "tankie" was referring to fans of the USSR, which, I suppose if you wanna be annoying, one could argue "weren't communists." But you didn't do that. You didn't say "Stalin betrayed Marxist Leninism" or whatever. I could assume that's what you meant, but I'd rather read it from you.

    It's starting to feel like, to me, that tankie just means "someone more left than me, and that makes me angry!" Because I can say who isn't calling people tankies. That would be Marxists of whatever variety. I can also say who does seem to be using that word all the time... socdems, liberals, sometimes outright fascists. It definitely seems to be the bludgeon of liberals who fancy themselves to be socialists though. I'm going to include most leftist anarchists under the umbrella of liberal because that's just how I roll. Like a big ol' tank.

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    Anti-Communists and Anti-Tankies aren't against colonialism nor imperialism, they are actually against socialism and communism
  • Anti-communism has always been a reaction to communism (leftist movements broadly).

    Anyone who unironically uses the word tankie... ever... is immediately written off in my book. They're terminally online and have never read anything, never thought about anything seriously, they're useful idiots for fascists at best and, a lot of times, just fascists.

    I feel like they think I'm being hyperbolic or forcing a false dichotomy, but, no, if you self-label as anti-communist that's basically the same as modern day "all lives matter" people which was a right wing, reactionary, movement against the movement for justice for black people in the US. There is a movement which is objectively on the side of people, justice, etc. and there is a reaction to that movement. Just how it goes. If you identify on the reactionary side... well, there you go. Not sure why this is so complicated for the "bBUT TANKIES" dipshits.

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    (AI-generated) Would you rather be with Vamp Trump or Zombiden in a locked, dimly lit room?
  • The word impotent gave me a hilarious mental picture of a vampiric Trump who can't "get his teeth hard" to bite people.

    This should be a comedy sketch if it isn't already. A vampire that has to take like Blue Chews to get their fangs hard enough to perform.

    "Vampires, listen up. Are your fangs more like overcooked spaghetti now days? Are you having trouble getting ready for your nightly encounters? Have you been in a situation where you really wanted to suck that sweet, fresh neck-blood but your gear wasn't operating?

    Well, Count Trumpula has a product for all our befanged, sparkly travelers of the night."

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    Marx vs Che
  • Not trying to read too much into this if it's a joke, etc.


    Marx was stating as an absolute statement of what he viewed as fact (and seems to be correct over a long enough timeline) that capitalism will fail due to contradictions

    The Che quote is the less philosophical, more "in the shit" statement. Much like Lenin before him, these guys understood that the contradictions of capitalism lead inevitably, as Marx was getting at, to failures and collapses and it's at those moments that revolutionaries spring up and rile their base of support within the labor force of the country. Until that moment of crisis things were bad, but tolerable. During the crisis, conditions are intolerable and people are willing to do anything, including overthrowing the government/capitalist class and possibly dying for that cause. Because the alternative is death anyway. Or a living death.

    On a side note, this is why there will never be (for any foreseeable future) a socialist revolution in the US. 1) material conditions are broadly "good" (although they are worsening) 2) there is effectively no leftist political movement in the US. There are a few thousand people who are genuinely anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist and want a revolution, but that might as well be zero in a country this size. Not anything new or crazy to point out that as people's conditions worsen further they will turn towards more and more radical leftist ideas or right wing ideas. Considering the racist undercurrents of the US and lack of any desire for any international cooperation amongst workers mixed with the (unfortunately extremely effective) FBI/CIA ops against US leftists in the past, there's only really one path that we're likely to head down...

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    Pray we don't improve your shopping experience further
  • Doing monthly (or more frequent) inventory of the store will "check" the cashiers, as every store has to do. When employees go through and get a total accounting of items actually on hand vs what the system says. Well, it tells the entire story not just on cashiers. How well the stockers kept track of damaged/expired items, theft, cashier mess ups, etc.

    I worked grocery, all departments, including receiving when I was younger and had to do inventory all the time. Of course it relies on the employee not being lazy (👀) and actually, you know, doing inventory. Usually the managers waddled their asses over if they wanted "real" inventory done because tbh I spent about an hour actually counting shit and then went and took a nap in the bathroom (had a bench for changing clothes) and just marked everything as matching. Something something pay minimum wage, get minimum work.

    Them stopping customers has to be for lowering shrink from theft, but that shit is already negligible anyway. Smart management knows that it's already baked into the profit margin for the store and harassing people, treating everyone as a thief, will just drive away regular customers. If I get continually hassled somewhere and my time wasted there's no way I'm gonna keep going there. Even if they manage to catch a bunch of people stealing stuff it just kind of... doesn't matter.

    This is another one of those cases of individuals not understanding statistics and profit margins, etc. You see chuds crying all the time about "but you can't just steal the chicken! Price go up!" and they seriously can't comprehend that, as someone who worked in the store(s), they throw away more food (from damage or spoilage) constantly than hungry people could ever realistically try to steal. Like, yeah, there's a threshold and if literally every shopper is stealing then sure the system breaks. But most people don't. The people who do, overwhelmingly, are doing so because they have little other choice. It's just incredibly stupid that managers and especially random employees or (the worst) random customers try to give a shit about theft like this. I've had more than a few times where I was working on something and some old guy comes up like "hey. I think that guy over there put something in his pocket." And I'm just like "ok." And go back to whatever. I mean wtf do they expect? Should I immediately man the store's .50 cal turret and blow away the college kid or poor single mom who stuffed a steak in their jacket pocket? I've seen entire cases of chicken and other meats being crushed in the waste compactor week after week. That steak doesn't matter.

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    2023 was a horrible year to be a Tankie
  • I was wondering why I felt sad all year

    Thanks for summing it up

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    Big brands keep dropping X over antisemitism; $75M loss, report estimates
  • Seems pretty clear now that either Elon is completely incompetent or he's purposely destroying Twitter. I could go 50/50 on which more is more true. Both could true also.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yes, people in the west specifically the US need to realize the only purpose of messaging like this is to put the barest level of grease on the window so that it lightly obfuscates what we can see.

    This statement and others like it will be (attempted) to be put forth by Israelis and their defenders for decades to come when people bring up the genocide of Palestinians in 2023 and annexation of northern Gaza. They'll say "no no read the tweets! See! They let them leave!"

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    Sir, they've lost the Redditors
  • I'm not so hopeful that this current eruption of visible violence (to the western world) will result in a free Palestine, although I do reserve a naive glimmer of hope for all good things somewhere in my mind. Two things I hope people everywhere walk away with are the humanization of Palestinians as worthy of life and being denied it by Israel and erasing the concept of "complicated" from this whole situation. Everyone who is paying attention sees an uncomplicated situation where one side subjugates another and the subjugated ones fought back and are now being collectively massacred as a result. Everyone can see the inherent injustice in such actions even within the "starting on Oct 7" context. Once people uncomplicate things the solution becomes clear.

    Not unlike a materialist view of the world, once you strip away the bullshit film smeared on by neoliberals to mystify everything, it all becomes so simple that you wonder how you never saw it before. And you wonder how it is that all those around you can't also see it.

    That's my super paraphrased, shitty, condensed Marx summary.

    All the "it's complicated" people just use that framing to either obfuscate the truth from you/others or to cope within themselves. Whether it's economics or the conflict in Palestine, it's rarely ever complicated at the core. I hope people learn to kneejerk reject that framing. That means the next step to solving things is really close.

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    Zionism isn't Judaism
  • “We should challenge students in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

    I think at a certain point you have to just assume he's accidentally saying his real thoughts.

    He also praised men like Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd. He gave the eulogy at Thurmond's funeral after the motherfucker somehow lived to be 100 (LITERALLY).

    For those unaware, Thurmond was one of the two senators from SC in the fucking 19 goddamn 50s up until 2003 when he finally croaked despite the daily injections of baby blood serum. His most famous moment in his career (one of them anyway) was vehemently opposing the civil rights bill and filibustered for 24 fucking hours trying to stop its passage. INSANELY RACIST. Dude was born in fucking 1901. He lived through WWI as a teenager and WWII as a full ass adult. Then he opposed rights for blacks which he had always been able to oppress for his entire life. He was in his 50s and 60s (!!!) when the fight for civil rights fully erupted. He saw the rise of Malcolm X and MLK Jr., their assassinations, the rise and fall (!!!) of the USSR. The rise of the US empire after the destruction of the pacific and European nations. He lived his entire life as a dog and a champion of capital. It's most vile figurehead who not only supported subjugation abroad but also at home.

    And Joe Biden eulogized this absolute demonic piece of human dogshit. I seriously cannot describe how big of a piece you have to be to even speak to a man like Thurmond, a living relic of virulent racism and a deeply held conviction that white people like himself are truly superior, much less be friendly enough to eulogize him and defend his legacy.

    They don't call Biden "Jim Crow Joe" for no good reason.

    He's such a piece of fucking shit.

    Massive tangent there, but fuck Biden, seriously.
