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  • I think the origin was that Surface devices had a dedicated Office button, so you could press Office+W to open Word and such. Office+L opened LinkedIn

    But this button was internally just mapped to Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Win, giving this shortcut. I am actually impressed that it uses your default browser though instead of forcing Edge.

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    Boost for Lemmy 1.0.3 🔥 - Support for Lemmy links, open images in comments, improvements to video playing and more!
  • This list contains pretty much everything I wanted in this app. Thank you for your work

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    How are in-store pickup sales tracked for revenue?
  • I'd guess it depends on the chain. I know of one retailer where a store pickup would count as an in-store sale, which gave revenue to that particular store. This applied even if the in-store pickup required the item to be shipped to the store first

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    What dotfiles manager do you use?
  • I use a Git repo for the files, and a simple Makefile to script the correct paths and optional install steps for them

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    Celeste: GUI file synchronization client that can sync with any cloud provider
  • That looks useful, thanks for sharing

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  • Probably just that Pikachu often says "pika pika", and sometimes variations like "pika pi"

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  • This looks really nice, I'll star it so I remember to download it later

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    Remote or hybrid workers, would you rather work a 4 day week on site, or WFH completely for 5 days a week, for the same pay?
  • I actually work in a company where anyone can work from home if they want. It's just that many of us chose not to for various reasons.

    So I'm sorry for having a preference different than yours, but if your management uses me as a single example to keep people in the office against their will, I think that's s problem with the management, not with me.

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    Remote or hybrid workers, would you rather work a 4 day week on site, or WFH completely for 5 days a week, for the same pay?
  • That seems like a very depressing mindset to have. And don't generalize your view onto everyone else like that. You say this as if I'm forcing everyone else at work to talk to me, which I am not. I am not even the one to initiate most conversations.

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    Remote or hybrid workers, would you rather work a 4 day week on site, or WFH completely for 5 days a week, for the same pay?
  • By talking to others, I'm feeding on their energy? I never said that I forcefully disturb others so they have to talk to me or something. I just enjoy the casual day-to-day chats with my coworkers.

    But if calling strangers gross on the internet makes you feel good, I hope you have a lovely day.

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    Remote or hybrid workers, would you rather work a 4 day week on site, or WFH completely for 5 days a week, for the same pay?
  • I'm sorry for having an opinion different than yours. I am not even saying that WFH is bad or anything, just that I don't prefer it.

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    Remote or hybrid workers, would you rather work a 4 day week on site, or WFH completely for 5 days a week, for the same pay?
  • 4 days on-site. I like the mental separation by having a completely separate space for work, and I enjoy talking to my colleagues. I don't see many people outside of work, so I need the social interaction. And the lunches at work are usually much healthier than something I'd cook up myself, so that's also a plus.

    I have tried to work from home a few days, but don't really like it at all.

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    Furries of Lemmy, what made you decide on the species for your main fursona? Why did you choose that specific species?
  • Can be, it's fairly common. But they are then usually anthropomorphic, and sometimes with fur as well (mine doesn't though)

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    What's your favorite music trope?
  • I really love concept albums where the chorus of the first song makes a return in the finale. Makes it feel so conplete.

    Examples, all power metal:

    • Gloryhammer - Return to the kingdom of Fife
    • Memories of Old - The Zeramin Game
    • Marius Danielsen's Legend of Valley Doom - (all three albums listened to together)
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    That feeling when you're googling the answer to some technical question, and your own Lemmy post appears 4 results down.
  • Yay HaxeFlixel

    That was one of my main introductions to programming in general

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    What's this cable used for ?
  • It was used to power the Vive Wireless Adapter. I've also seen a Steelseries keyboard which used this cable type.

    It's not widely used, but it's nice to be able to buy one

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Cat.

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    Trust me bro!
  • Travel agents are still widely used by small and medium sized businesses. It's much faster to say "Get these two people to London for these days" in an email instead of manually looking for flight tickets and hotels.

    But I haven't heard of anyone using them for private trips in a long time.
