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Suboptimal ways to respond to a public security incident
  • we should be using Nix and OCI.

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    Suboptimal ways to respond to a public security incident
  • oof you sound exactly like some shit faced freshman who thinks he gained arcane knowledge, but in reality you don't know shit nor have experience. Yeah, p sure you were that dude in the back of cybersec class.

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    What's going on with r/programming?
  • Reminds me of the final days of digg when the majority of posts were "sponsored" posts, just as vapid and pointless as this LLM spam.

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    Fan running when doing nothing?
  • Nah man somet fucked in the background my deck turned on with screen off in desktop mode uses maybe 5% battery in 20 min?

    Throw this in ur terminal ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%cpu --sort=-%cpu | head -n 11
