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PSA: Sculpt spells will not save your party from spells that still do damage on spell save.
  • So does Fireball and yet that one does no friendly fire damage. Either Ice Storm is bugged or it's as the other commenter pointed out, Guardian of Faith detected a hostile action and triggered an attack on all nearby hostiles (your party), which dealt enough damage to it to kill it.

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    [DISC] Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - chapters 3
  • MangaDex comments are just like YouTube comments, it's best for one's sanity to pretend they don't exist. MangaDex at least makes it very easy to do so, unlike the latter.

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    Doing whatever it takes
  • Warlocks just employ the SaaS licence model, Spellcraft as a Service.

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    What kind of companion uses have you found now that they are all semi-immortal?
  • It's actually around 40% uptime with Tek Enchance. It's pretty useless during high mobility missions when your kavat spends most of it's time trying to catch up to you, but during more stationary ones it's pretty good. It's also affects teammates, so that's a little extra added utility.

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    What kind of companion uses have you found now that they are all semi-immortal?
  • All cats can get to over 75% crit chance with Bite alone, and a +1,2 crit multiplier is well worth 2 mod slots on a companion. Adarza just also has Cat's Eye, so you get to often double dip on the buffed crit damage with orange/red crits. Whether that's better than something like a Panzer is up to your frame/weapons, but it's a worthy contender now.

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    What kind of companion uses have you found now that they are all semi-immortal?
  • You want Dethcube to tag as many enemies as possible so he gets credit for Energy Generator, gas leaves a lingering AoE on enemies so if they run next to a guy your Helstrum didn't hit, that enemy is now damaged by Dethcube and contributes to Energy Generator stacks.

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    What kind of companion uses have you found now that they are all semi-immortal?
  • Dethcube is awesome for reliable energy generation with gas moded Helstrum, Adarza is great with Tenacious Bond and Bite, Nautilus is really good now with it's Cordon ability and Manifold Bond (and Helstrum to help apply statuses). I haven't touched any of the dogs (either biological or robotic) or Moas as their abilities were rather unimpressive even if they could stay alive forever. Here's hoping Phase 2 makes them better with it's companion ability rework. Oh, and good old Panzer is still really good, baseline 30sec revive while still spitting viral everywhere makes it remain a reliable option (it's also hella tanky now).

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    Fun Pairings
  • Mesa Prime is 100% worth it, one of the most effective and fun frames in the game (I'm totally not biased because Mesa is my favorite frame, not at all!)

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    [DISC] Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Ch. 138
  • This chapter was adorable. Look at these two dorks!

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    Fun Pairings
  • My favourite combo is the "Rolling Gunslinger" Mesa, taking the power of Mesa's Waltz to it's extreme. The required ingredients are 2 Parkour Velocity Archon Shards (or 1 Tauforged, which is what I prefer) and a mod you never see used, Amalgam Barrel Diffusion (put it on your secondary, not Regulators). With all things combined, Mesa turns from the turret frame she's known for into one of the most mobile killing machine frames in the game, rivalling even Titania. Once you get used to how much forward momentum her roll gives, you can traverse all but the most maze-like tilesets without ever turning Peacemaker off, shooting everything that moves all the way to extraction.

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    [DISC] One Punch Man - Chapter 194
  • I love the friendship King and Saitama have, they are both the only people who truly understand one another.

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    I love the Companion Rework and all but...
  • This, this build is an absolute overkill supreme in terms of high-cost low-effect mods. Shield mods on companions? Why? A single Bond mod that speeds up revives in place of Pack Leader is all you need, if you really need to have your companion right now you can just revive them like before. And considering both Fetch and Animal Instinct remain active now even while they're down, there is no reason to hurry. Damage mods are still very much irrelevant, Bite has a use if you wanna run the one crit damage bond mod on cats to boost your weapons but that's about it.

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    Abyss of Dagath: Update 34
  • So cheeky for DE to put a no shield modifier on the alert for the new shield gating mod!

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    Weekly Warframe: Hydroid
  • I vastly underestimated Tempest Barrage's damage potential, for some reason I incorrectly assumed the game surely wouldn't let you overlap the ability multiple times in one spot. With it's augment, fast cast time and cheap cost, this thing is deceptively good at killing. It does tend to stagger tougher enemies out of it's range, but anything other than heavies and eximuses gets shredded by the corroding/viral rain.

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    Weekly Warframe: Hydroid
  • Plunder + the new passive is insane.
    That's the tl;dr version, at least. Tempest Barrage is absolutely worthless for it's damage, nothing changed there, but it's absolutely amazing at applying tons of Corrosive and (with the augument) Viral procs to everything in an area. Tidal Surge is still very much worthless, it's too fast to reliably control and I found myself crashing into walls all the time and just never bothering to waste 50 energy on it. It does grab enemies very well now, though! Here comes the star of the show, Plunder! This ability is crazy good, but ONLY because of Hydroid's new passive. The armor buff was enough to make me able to survive rather comfortably with this janky no forma build I slapped together for testing on Steel Path Taveuni, Kuva Fortress with the exception of Slash procs forcing me to heal through them with my Operator. The Corrosive damage buff is straight up insane on anything with decent status chance and fire rate. I brought my Incarnon Torid and proceeded to melt everything, including the Acolyte, like it was a lvl 20 mission. Tentacle Swarm is a lot more useful now, but I still only used it once for testing purposes. It's an OK CC, but it still makes it hard to shoot at enemies and I would rather have Larva in it's place instead (or other grouping ability).
    Overall Hydroid seems really good now, he's a classic weapon's platform frame, with tools to help him survive and buff his weapon damage vastly! Will forma him when I have some time to play during weekend and try him out on a tougher Steel Path mission, like a 20min Circulus run to stress test him some more.

  • I know it hasn't been a week yet (TBH it almost, has) but I thought this would be a good place to discuss the new Hydroid rework. I'll leave my thoughts, as usual, in the comment!

    Release date: 2014-04-09

    Abilities (the wiki wasn't updated with the new descriptions yet so I'll do my best and write them myself when applicable): (New!) Passive: Enemies damaged by Hydroid are more vulnerable to Corrosion Status, with initial status reducing armor by 50%. Tempest Barrage - Target an area and call down a barrage of liquid fury. Tidal Surge - Crash through enemies in a ferocious wall of water. (Old)Undertow - Become a water trap and drown unsuspecting enemies. (New!) Plunder - All enemies in range affected by Corrosive procs will have their armor reduced permanently while providing armor to Hydroid as well as adding bonus Corrosive damage to your weapons. Tentacle Swarm - Spawn a Kraken that grabs and holds enemies while applying Corrosive damage and status.

    Acquisition: Blueprint purchasable from the market, components drop from Councilor Vay Hek on Oro, Earth.

    BOCCHI THE ROCK! Compilation Movie New Visual
  • Here's hoping it's in preparation for a 2nd season! The world needs more animated Kessoku Band!

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    (Bi?) Weekly Warframe: Loki
  • Loki is actually the warframe I started the game with! I had no idea how to use him properly at the start, but once I figured him out he was a powerhouse! Radial Disarm was what allowed me and my friend to go well beyond what out gear should allow us to handle in Tier 3 Void Keys! It's funny how far the mighty has fallen, with Loki nowadays being relegated to Switch Teleporting moving objectives to get them to their destination faster as his only job.
    Invisibility and Radial Disarm are still really good abilities, just that other frames can do both things better (cough Octavia cough). Switch Teleport has it's niche gimmick but outside of it, it's completely useless. And Decoy really ought to not have limited hitpoints, it's a holdover from ye old days that should have been removed long ago.

  • I missed a week, but I'm back with another (bi)weekly warframe thread! Last time we discussed Rhino, an "unofficial" 4th starter, so this week I thought to bring a warframe that actually used to BE a starter - Loki!

    Release date: 2012-10-25

    Abilities: Decoy - Loki deploys a holographic copy of himself, drawing enemy fire. Invisibility - Loki camouflages himself, becoming invisible to enemies. Switch Teleport - Loki instantaneously swaps positions with a target, confusing the enemy. Radial Disarm - Lets forth a wave of energy, disrupting the projectile weapons of enemies in range and forcing them to revert to melee combat.

    Acquisition: Blueprint purchasable from the market, components drop from Hyena Pack on Psamathe, Neptune.

    Best Desktop Distro for Gaming?
  • Honestly anything with a non LTS release schedule will be fine. So long as you keep a relatively recent kernel and GPU drivers it pretty much doesn't matter. You can go for a rolling release like Arch or OpenSUSE Tumbleweed or a staged release like Fedora. Even Ubuntu or it's derivatives are fine so long as you stick to the yearly versions and don't have a particularly bleeding-edge hardware.
    My only advice is stick to the popular stuff. This applies to both distros and desktop environments. Much easier to troubleshoot things and find help and they have more people using them, which usually means the experience is more polished and bugs get fixed faster.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I always respec Shadowheart into anything but Trickery domain, usually Light or Life. I also generally respec all companions just to fix their ability scores, some of them are terrible by default.

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    What can you ACTUALLY use Mage Hand for?
  • I used it a whole 2 times in my entire playthrough. Once to get a certain book from it's trapped pressure plate by throwing it, another to help a certain dwarf from his predicament. The biggest thing that stops me from experimenting more with it is it's limitation to once per short rest and only being present for 10 turns. I get that it's for combat balancing purposes but it does make me just never bother summoning it. Wish they removed that limitation, gave it more utility uses and just completely disabled it's combat abilities instead.
