Length of a movie is no longer a flex. Not since LotR special edition dvd cuts
I cannot tell you how many ways free gravel for life would help me, but it’s definitely a lot
Ya it’s called affording a maid
Alsace Lorraine really is the most vital province in Western Europe
Getting eaten by a hawk or weasel
This is poetry not prose
They have bidets for your whole body now, you can install them at standing height in your bathtub
Live as the bonobo do!
So many things boomers consider normal is just brainwashing from some lobby or other
You’re a serious cutie Auntie
Like we’d be so lucky. They want 1984 not a brave new world
The bird motif is up for grabs, call it Warbler
Babe wake up new cryptid just dropped
Why hasn’t this happened already??!?
Then when they run you can steal their good equipment
Workers strikes are the farthest possible thing from facism
Now I have to listen to that song for the next two days straight
Compare side by side and look at the upper lip, usually the biggest tell
Gimme a fucking break, a marginalized person has no obligation to engage in a debate with someone who wants to continue marginalizing them and maybe do worse