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xkcd : Earth Temperature Timeline
  • You know what, you're right. My bad.

    Now, go tell the same thing to everyone else insulting me in this thread who aren't even trying to provide a counterpoint.

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    xkcd : Earth Temperature Timeline
  • I didn't just say no, I said multiple things can be biased. Get a grip on your reading comprehension you fucking idiot.

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    xkcd : Earth Temperature Timeline
  • It is objectively biased for the reason stated. Being intentionally dense about that fact to push a certain narrative is not a good look.

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    xkcd : Earth Temperature Timeline
  • I explained how it is biased, and you choose not to acknowledge it. Oh well.

    Yes, other ways xkcd could made it biased exist too.

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    Please, do not use Brave.
  • Let's be real here for just a minute. The only actual reason people here hate Brave is because the founder personally believes in traditional marriage.

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    Stop using Brave Browser
  • I don't give a damn about the article. I only stated my reasons why Firefox and Chrome are total deal breakers for me. Maybe there's a better browser than all of them, but for now I'm happy with Brave.

    And your opinion is your opinion, it isn't universal. Stop thinking that it is.

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    Stop using Brave Browser
  • Who said anything about white supremacy or homophobia?

    Regardless, yes, they should refrain from controversial subjects that are not related to their business. And if they decide to make social media censorship their business in a direct way, also fuck em.

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    Stop using Brave Browser
  • Why can't a browser company just be opinionated about making the best browser? Why does it have to have a shitty controversial opinion about social media? I don't know why, but my trust in the org and therefore the browser itself is gone.

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    Stop using Brave Browser
  • Turn on by default the tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation.

    This, because it's a fucking web browser, and it can be weaponized for bad while pretending to be good.

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    Stop using Brave Browser
  • Mozilla wants to censor and cancel people, harder. And Google is the king of censorship.

    I'm going to stick with Brave.
