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I'm sorry what?!?!?
  • May I suggest ublock origin?

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    FINALLY! Worlds First Mid-Range Libreboot GAMING PC! GTA V - Max Settings - 1440p (Dell T1650 Mobo)
  • Best you're gonna get is shared-source. Open-source requires you can redistribute said program with modifications. Therefore, you need a license explicitly granting those rights.

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    $1.5 billion in estimated revenue: A look at the Massachusetts 'millionaire's tax' first year taxing the rich
  • Personally, I believe a worker is entitled to all they create. I'm not going to deny the initial investment of the company is a risk taken and getting a bussiness on its feet requires active effort. But this opportunity is not amongst the many and most business starters are already quite well off and appeals to investors for growth which requires favorability of yet more well off people. Not to mention more well of bussinesses are less affected by law with breaking the law becoming an investment eventually making anticompetitive practices prevalent.

    While I do of course support personal property. Personally, I do not believe private property is justified as I believe it creates a wealth disparity and hierarchial power (Socialist here and relevant to workers being entitled to their labour). When working for a private bussiness. The owners of this bussiness get the surplus labour value of what you produce on the grounds of owning thus private property. I do not believe the existing ownership of this property is a justified income as it is a passive income independent of whether you do work or not.

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    Recursive authentication
  • Sounds like a antitrust violation imo. (Not based in knowledge of laws). In the future I hope to work in a co-op, non-profit, foss or privacy oriented bussiness or whatever. Just something I believe is beneficial to our future and not detrimental. Don't care if I lose potential wages or job security.

    Just the standard run of the mill tech company for a private owner idealizing infinite growth for investors and making software that tries taking advantage of the user or even required to use such? Not for me. (I don't need perfection just want improvent)

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    $1.5 billion in estimated revenue: A look at the Massachusetts 'millionaire's tax' first year taxing the rich
  • As if they generated that income from their own labour and fairly nontheless. Yeah they profited from hard work. All the hard work of people working for them

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    What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices?
  • Tbh, in the digital world Lemmy is actually a nice step imo. But more steps can always be taken (as long they're reasonable). Whether its physical or digital.

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    Cap of the century
  • I mean I tried giving up a Microsoft account for an one. Finding servers was somewhat more inconvenient but was fine.

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    Recursive authentication
  • I think you can use standard TOTP regardless if you add TOTP as an option in the authentication methods on your account page. At least I did and the system has yet to complain.

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    thank you for the cookies!!! :3
  • Delete the cookies upon closing the browser. You gotta eat them too >:3

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    Big Food lies to you
  • Any thoughts on OpenFoodFacts? When you mentioned it, I searched and saw said this was an open-source alternative. An app is available on F-Droid as well (That software I run is Libre is important for me personally)

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    How to sell magazines and scare boomers 101
  • You can own a garden in communism though. The distinction is personal vs private property. But yes that does mean you don't own farmland privately.

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  • Every Communist that isn't authoritarian would like to disagree with you. Anarchists are not Marxist-Lenninists for example

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    "I would like to switch to Linux, but it's just not good for gaming"
  • I didn't get the "You played on more than 1 device". Guess it has been 100% Linux

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    Yet another approach on Threads (Jerry Bell)
  • Sounds like a decent approach. Private by default but without taking away the freedom to interact with threads if so desired. At worst an inconvenience

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    MS Outlook Blocking Tutanota Emails As Spam
  • I hope everyone here has deleted their Microsoft account ;)

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  • Frogs are cute

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    Kindness is punk
  • I've yet to quit animal produce or even meat but have managed to quit mass produced sugary treats. Vegetarianism is alluring with the rise of fake meat though.

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    Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout
  • I think he's saying most EV's are modern cars with this malicious tech. Personally just gonna avoid buying a car as long as I can

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    Japan is living in the future that the 1990s dreamed of.
  • Cash Society isn't a bad thing imo.

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  • You can add sites as exceptions. Even that is so much better than saving everything.

  • What hardware would you recommend for AP's and dedicated Firewalls? I really value open-source so bonus points if it works without blobs or the hardware is open or has available schematics.

    Altough a bit expensive I have looked at Protectli firewalls as an option as the option to run OPNsense and coreboot is attractive.

    For an AP, the Banana PI BPI-R3 (R4 if I'm patient) sounds interesting being open hardware and supporting OpenWRT. I am however curious on if it would run on LibreCMC.


    Thank you monerobull for operating the monerosupplies store.
