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Now the Ukraine thing is complete.
  • They believe that the good guys always win, and they also believe themselves to always be the good guys. Hence the mental gymnastics.

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    2023 was a horrible year to be a Tankie
  • We're physically well, but mentally exhausted. Both of us can't wait for this war to be over.

    Puts my shitposting here in perspective

    Sometimes it's easy to look at the world events and say "yeah, this is horrible, but in the end it'll lead us to the better world", and kinda forget about those swept up in these events. I do this too, because the only other option is a complete burnout.

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    2023 was a horrible year to be a Tankie
  • You can't get out legally if you're an adult male. You'd have to pay an exorbitant amount of money to get smuggled through the border, and it's still very risky.

    Usually it involves a long journey through the wilderness with non-zero chance of being lost, starved, frostbitten (at the colder times of year) having dangerous encounters with wildlife and even more dangerous ones with the customs.

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    2023 was a horrible year to be a Tankie
  • Thank you, comrade... I'm just really hoping that the war will end soon, and I'll be able to move away. I hate this place with a passion.

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    2023 was a horrible year to be a Tankie
  • It was an unironically horrible year for a tankie, stuck in Ukraine, while my SO is right over the eastern border. I'm so tired... It's hard to imagine normal life now.

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    How bloodthirsty are the Liberals in your country right now regarding the war in Ukraine?
  • I live in Ukraine, so as you can imagine, liberals here have long since gone full fash. The situation here is a really good illustration for the old "scratch a liberal" adage: a lot of people have been more than scratched, and in response they've went absolutely rabid.
