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Linus reviewed (roasted) our phone | Fairphone reacts
  • The point is; he wants a Framework-like approach to modularity and feature set. That means a phone that's good enough to actually holds its own without retreating to being "ethical" or "modular."

    Fairphone is just the worst deal you can get even if you consider the ethical side of it. This is because rescuing an old phone gives you a much better experience for less than half the cost and keeping tech from the landfill is a lot more ecologically friendly as the work and sourcing was already done regardless of you purchasing the device.

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    Linus reviewed (roasted) our phone | Fairphone reacts
  • back-to-back lying to the public


    sexual harassment debacles

    ... that none of which ended up in the court let alone confirmed. That's an allegation, not something proven.

    They've been sleazy for years, taking money from companies they claim to review impartially, and twisting everything into a meme factory instead of putting the tiniest amount of effort into quality reviews and tech journalism.

    Straight up one of the points GN made. Which they really did improve upon. They don't pump out as much content now, as well as generally higher quality content again.

    salvage his reputation after covering up toxic and predatory workplace behaviour


    coming out the other side a multimillionaire.

    Guy created and ran a YouTube channel, expanded it to be a media company. Hosts a forum, sells high quality merchandise (you can look up the coverage of their bag or screwdrivers from places like project farm). Also runs a premium video hosting and live streaming service for creators. That's what we call "earned it."

    This comment just reeks of toxicity, rather than criticism.

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    Microsoft wants to update your Windows 11 PC without forcing you to reboot
  • This was the pipe dream for many many years now. Not the first time MS is talking about it either.

    It's a thing in the Linux world and it's just too costly to support and therefore most user facing distros outright don't support it.

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    Updated Edge and it now seems to put a frame with rounded corners around every website
  • Not being open source ≠ not safe.

    Microsoft ships hardened Chromium basically, with sandboxing turned up to eleven.

    They also run their SmartScreen filtering on top of that.

    Also, Firefox is more private, not secure. Either you run LibreFox or it's less secure than Edge by default.

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    As a reminder...
  • Egypt won't allow 2 million Refugees passing their small part of the border.

    Turkey hosts 10+ million, what's stopping Egypt here? They also openly support Palestine afaik.

    Expecting Egypt to act is more realistic than expecting Israel to return fire.

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    As a reminder...
  • To correct myself, worst I've seen today would be a much better sentence.

    bombing hospitals

    Hamas did exactly the same this time, so they're now the same shit in different colors.

    Oh and of course there is the constant killing of Palestinians over the years, like the murder of a journalist last year.

    This is true, but it's still much more humane than stripping down a dead body and carry it around the world to see. One is shitty, other one is straight up barbaric.

    This video is a great example, even though it's not the longest of specific scene you could find. Turns out she was a German citizen, a tattoo artist, only half Israeli. She was there to attend to a festival for the peace in Gazza.

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    As a reminder...
  • like they did for the last 40 years without effect.

    Have you seen even a single damn wiki article about this place, let alone read a book?

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    As a reminder...
  • It's still more monstrous that anything Isreal have done.., and boy oh boy they've done things.

    I've seen way too many photos and videos in the past day. I've seen a women got shot in her car from the outside. Her baby was executed on the back seat. Mind you, the religion they believe in absolutely prohibits this.

    I've seen the video of the Israeli soldiers lifeless bodies getting beaten and limbs getting cut off. I've seen soldier bodies getting loaded on to jeeps, pickups or even a guy carrying a body with a scooter.

    I saw the video of an Israeli woman taken hostage, with her crotch are having blood(?) stains.

    I've seen the pictures of women that were taken hostage and their relatives looking for them in Facebook. (Technically, Islam don't prohibit female hostages to be used as sex slaves, but I might be wrong on that).

    I even saw the German girl they've murdered, strip and carry the body around with a pickup.

    On the other side, the worst thing Israelis did were to strip down and reverse hand cuffed bunch of Hamas people. Also numbering them with paint.

    Both sides are bad but holy fuck, seeing what Hamas have done in the course of a single day.., Isrealis look like they're good guys (which they definitely aren't, btw).

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    As a reminder...
  • To be fair, they were very open about intentions to bomb Gazza from the first moment war was declared. PM called for civilians to evacuate to city.

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    r/RedditAlternatives doesn't like a Reddit Alternative
  • Guy is hundred percent right. Lemmy is a echo chamber for a certain demographic as vast majority of users are in it.

    We either have tech, or politics. Literally every topic ends up in either. We also don't have the differing opinions aspect as just about every debater talks like they're just the different shade of the same color.

    Even spicy news that would make any other site a warzone of opinions just echo chambered here. Literally everyone agrees on one conclusion and random two comments that disagree with that having at least -15 points.

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    Americans who believe in Socialism, if you were given the opportunity to immigrate to a country with socialist policies, would you?
  • Social(ist) policies are extremely removed from socialism. The countries people list here, aka Canada, Danmark and Ireland among others are extremely capitalist still. This thread is therefore useless.

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    Counter-Strike 2 System Requirements for Linux
  • I wonder if it has a native Vulkan renderer now or it just has DXVK baked in. If the latter, bad news is it halves my framerate İN CS2LT on Windows.
