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Didn't feel like being confrontational today
  • I doubt he cut you off - if you've ever driven an old Jeep, just hitting a pothole (and there are LOTS of 'em!), it's an automatic lane-change!

    I look at it as a game at this point - bonus points when you can look away from the road for 0.3 seconds while white-knuckled hands on the steering-wheel...and see the fear in the other driver's eyes.

    I love my actually have to DRIVE IT WHILE FULLY FOCUSED versus playing with your phone!

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    Fallout 76 Players Are Seeing an Increase in Griefing
  • Griefing in Fallout 76 is pretty much non-existent - it's an overblown "headline".

    That community has been one of the most friendly and welcoming communities of pretty much any multi-player game in the last few years. Asking a question or for help from a complete stranger and getting way more information or assistance is actually the more common occurrence.

    The game has been around for a long time, so welcoming or helping a newbie is sometimes a nice break from the grind for the high-level players.

    Come on over newbies - the game has changed a LOT from its original iteration (which WAS a shitshow full of bugs and griefing - which is outdated information from long past).

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    Husky sings the song of his people, now with accompanying piano!
  • I'm on my 3rd Husky (one them was white...he was a cool dude).

    I love the breed, but I'm getting too damn old to harness up my current one, grab my skateboard and MUSH!

    Great dogs...but can be a nightmare for the uninformed/unprepared!

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    Not happening, dude
  • I'm going all-in on shitpost.

    Military personnel are still just people doing the job...just like the rest of us.

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    Which Fallout Game do you go Back to Most?
  • I'll probably get beat up a bit over this, but I can't seem to get away from Fallout76. My buddy and I (several hundred miles away) have yet to find a suitable replacement, so we just keep trudging along.

    But in my defense, I have finished all of the others (multiple ways) - Fallout3 was my first introduction to the series.

    +1 to New Vegas though (if only it were multi-player)!

  • Only TWO in this Lemmy World

    So...I suppose it's safe to assume that there's only two of us here on Lemmy that own (can afford with this inflation?!?) an Airstream?!?

    I figured with a bit of time since that "place that can no longer be mentioned" site self-destructed (screw you Spez!) that at least a few of us would make it here!

    A boy and his hors- err... Dog
  • Scooby-Doo would a word with you...he just enjoyed some things in the past that are now legal in most U.S. states. That doesn't make him, or his relatives "disgusting"!

  • NSFW
    So many spammers I just get it over as quicky as possible these days
  • I love keeping them on the phone as long as possible! It's damn-near a hobby of mine.

    Today I got one I've never heard before. They were from the "Automobile Collision" Company that said they have money for me from my accident! I like free money...let's do this!

    They transferred me three times up the one was their lawyer - that's where the call dropped. Suffice it to say...I was disappointed to not hear the end.

    One of my favorites, in case y'all would like to use it - I claimed (in a Southern drawl) I was an Alligator Nevada. "Business is a bit slow...and I can't go to the zoo no more." Kept them on the line for 44 minutes...almost beat my record.

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    We adopted a dog. Naturally, we bought a bed for the cat.
  • I have yet to meet a dog that doesn't like Bully Sticks. For the uninitiated, I'd hesitate to look up what they are - you've been warned!
