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What scenarios does a home server need a GPU?
  • As long as you have Plex Pass, hardware transcoding is extremely good with moder QuickSync Intel processors, and specially good if you run Linux.

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    Nextcloud for family photos - sanity check?
  • I use Nextcloud only for the sync but I think it is too clunky and it uses too many resources, but I haven't found anything else that syncs from Android and iOS. After they are sync to Nextcloud I sync them somewhere else for permanent storage. I wish there was an easier solution.

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    What can you do with your own domain name in regards to self hosting?
  • Cloudflare tunnels so I don't have to open any port in my network. You can do this even with the Cloudflare free tier. And the byproduct is DNS for free for your domain name, I actually moved the Cloudflare because DNS was getting too expensive with my domain name provider.

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    Best security practices when using a system like TrueNAS Core?
  • No open ports. I run my services as a combination of Cloudflare, Tailscale and reverse proxy. The only exception is Plex, I keep a port open for Plex because I heavily use remote streaming.

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    Why is starting with Self-hosting so daunting?
  • Invest some time in understanding Docker containers and then install something like Portainer (for example on top of Proxmox + VM, or ProxMOX + LXC, or some Linux or bare metal) and then installing new apps will become very trivial once you understand how to "create" the containers and how to map the volumes and ports.
