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Treat them like people
  • As an American, I feel the need to pushback when someone tries to rehab or whitewash our war crimes.

    Saying "W. is kind" is just unacceptable pablum.

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    Treat them like people
  • It depends what you mean by "kind". If you ignore the war crimes and focus on their interpersonal skills, sure you can say they were kind.

    But by that same definition, Hitler was kind too.

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  • Or a Mossad agent..

    Memes like this always irk me because, yes Russia is underhandedly influencing online discourse, but they are just one of many.

    The Russian budget for online influence is dwarfed by the efforts of first world defense and intelligence agencies.

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    Man Self-Immolates Outside Boston Israeli Consulate in Protest of Gaza Genocide
  • I will take advantage of his death to spread understanding, empathy, and a hopeful end to the genocide.

    He tried to die for a purpose, why are you so intent on stripping his death of that purpose? You are the one who dishonors the dead.

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    UN employee shot dead by Israeli sniper in occupied West Bank
  • The war against nazism wasnt just fought on the battlefield, it was also fought on the cultural front.

    edit: and even more importantly, the economic front as well.

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    Man Self-Immolates Outside Boston Israeli Consulate in Protest of Gaza Genocide
  • I think Matt Nelson is a hero. His death was not one of fear and loneliness. It was the ultimate act of empathy, compassion, and humanity.

    I'm going to celebrate his heroic deed, and I encourage everyone to do the same.

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    UN employee shot dead by Israeli sniper in occupied West Bank
  • Israel is an ultranationalist power which has lost its democracy and is now waging an offensive war for the purposes of territorial gain and ethnic cleansing.

    In a word, they are Nazis.

    Ask yourself: how did we eradicate the Nazi scourge? Then do that.

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    Every show with a suicide now has a disclaimer with a suicide hotline at the beginning. Is there any evidence that these warnings make a positive difference?
  • It's not about the production cost, its about the opportunity cost.

    A quick google search tells me a national ad costs $200k-$1m for a 30s slot. That means 5 seconds of screen time costs $30k-$150k.

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    A longtime GOP operative helped the Green Party’s Jill Stein get on the N.H. ballot. Democrats smell mischief.
  • I'm not sure if they are a russian shill, but unfortunately they are telling the truth. Democrats have often employed the pied piper strategy, and it has come back to bite them a few times.

    It was probably most famously used when Hillary Clinton boosted Trump, because he seemed to be the weakest Republican primary candidate at the time. How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately "elevated" Donald Trump with its "pied piper" strategy

    Democrats are still boosting and supporting extremist Republicans now. The risky strategy Democrats are using to win elections

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    That Debate Showed Why Dems Shouldn’t Tack Rightward—Ever
  • Your data does not logically lead to your conclusion, because the polls cited naturally bifurcated the responses into two (or three) camps.

    It's like if I did a poll asking: "what is your favorite color, purple or yellow?" and then said this proves that 50% of respondents' favorite color is purple. We are discounting the opinions of orange and green lovers.

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    Harris raises $47 million from nearly 600,000 donors in the 24 hours after Trump debate
  • So it sounds like theres 3 steps here:

    1. Campaign receives large donation from wealthy donor
    2. Campaign spins up an advertising campaign, encouraging potential donors by saying they will get matched from funds in step 1
    3. Campaign receives donation from small donor.

    Yeah that kinda sounds like bs to me. There are 2 donations, and an advertising campaign. No extra money is generated by the "match".

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    Trump says he won't debate Harris again
  • A different dataset would be an improvement, but you will have an uphill battle getting it changed.

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