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What do you miss the most from the 90s?
  • There recently was an article that discussed about what the Dutch could do. It came down to 3 suggestions:

    1. Building a dyke across the Waddeneilanden (killing off the entire waddensea but also protecting the rest of the land)
    2. Raising up the existing dykes and sacrificing cities and villages that are nearby the sea since the dikes really need to become much bigger.
    3. Giving up whole parts of the Netherlands, building floating cities and relying on higher parts of the country to expand and rebuild there.

    What it is going to become, I don’t know but it will be really interesting!

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    European Parliament votes to abolish member states’ veto | Cyprus Mail
  • Can someone please explain like I am 5 why we even had a veto system? I have read somewhere that it is mainly for in the beginning to protect the core values of the union.

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    Toyota SUV adverts banned in UK on environmental grounds
  • Good! Maybe in the future when we fixed the problem of having big things going vroom polluting our planet we can try having them back but at the moment, let’s just not do it.

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    So tired from being bad all day
  • To be fair, it was a not-so-serious—tongue-in-cheek-poke since some cat owners claim that their cat is evil but of course we know better! :)

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    What makes a bicycle so expensive?
  • Low key loving it that people here automatically assume that a bike would mean you would go on trails and off road while here in the Netherlands we still are riding that old riggidy hunk of metal (a Omafiets) we got handed down form our sister 15 years ago. (Who also got it as a hand me down)

    There are nice bikes here with carbon fiber belts instead of metal chains but those get quickly stolen or used so much they wear down away in a few years because the bikes get beaten to bits by the weather and usage.

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    So tired from being bad all day
  • Maybe she senses something is up (like your ankle) and doesn’t know how to deal with the situation? Or she really needs a walk to spend her energy. Don’t blame them, dog usually aren’t evil beings, we got cats for that!

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    Digital Picture Frames
  • You can! We sell them and that is one of the selling points well tell people who don’t want to use the service.

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    What laptop to buy?
  • Yes I do! I got mine in 2014 and still use it every day! Last year I changed the battery and repasted the cpu and it still got plenty of life in it. Let people think whatever they want but if you want solid build quality and good support, you can’t beat a Mac. :)
